BALKAZAR crazy night!! 30th December@La Caja de Musica

叮叮噹!「樂盒子」2016 年的最後一場演出即將熱鬧登場啦!誕生於台灣 Balkazar 樂團,是由一群愛好巴爾幹音樂的外國朋友們所組成的。根據團員不同的搭配組合,他們也有不同的名字,像是 La Cumbia Balkanska (LCB) 或是 Balkan Rogue International Jam (BRIJ)。Balkazar 的演出曲目多元,不管是改編或自創,他們都擅長將巴爾幹音樂的元素融入雷鬼、ska、放克、和東歐地區的音樂風格。 想要大啖美食、享受美酒、並跟著節奏盡情揮汗跳舞嗎?快來「樂盒子」,有 Balkazar 的音樂一切就對了! Pierre - 鼓 Mark - 貝斯/單簧管 Christophe - 薩克斯風 Nicolas - 小喇叭/主唱 Marko - 吉他/主唱 【Balkazar 粉絲頁】 【日期】12月30號星期五 【時間】8:30pm 【門票】$300(附一杯啤酒或汽水) We want end the year from the best way possible!,and what is better than a party with the guys of Balkazar? Here is a introduction of what you will have, the band say: -Nicolas our trumpet player is back in town for another Balkan crazy party ! See you in La Caja !!! Balkazar is born in Taiwan thanks to a group of foreign nomad musicians united by their interest in Balkan music. The band had many different setups and names including La Cumbia Balkanska (LCB) and Balkan Rogue International Jam (BRIJ). The repertoir...