
Mostrando entradas de 2016

BALKAZAR crazy night!! 30th December@La Caja de Musica

叮叮噹!「樂盒子」2016 年的最後一場演出即將熱鬧登場啦!誕生於台灣 Balkazar 樂團,是由一群愛好巴爾幹音樂的外國朋友們所組成的。根據團員不同的搭配組合,他們也有不同的名字,像是 La Cumbia Balkanska (LCB) 或是 Balkan Rogue International Jam (BRIJ)。Balkazar 的演出曲目多元,不管是改編或自創,他們都擅長將巴爾幹音樂的元素融入雷鬼、ska、放克、和東歐地區的音樂風格。 想要大啖美食、享受美酒、並跟著節奏盡情揮汗跳舞嗎?快來「樂盒子」,有 Balkazar 的音樂一切就對了! Pierre - 鼓 Mark - 貝斯/單簧管 Christophe - 薩克斯風 Nicolas - 小喇叭/主唱 Marko - 吉他/主唱 【Balkazar 粉絲頁】 https://m.facebook.com/Balkazarband/   【日期】12月30號星期五 【時間】8:30pm 【門票】$300(附一杯啤酒或汽水)   We want end the year from the best way possible!,and what is better than a party with the guys of Balkazar?  Here is a introduction of what you will have, the band say: -Nicolas our trumpet player is back in town for another Balkan crazy party ! See you in La Caja !!! Balkazar is born in Taiwan thanks to a group of foreign nomad musicians united by their interest in Balkan music. The band had many different setups and names including La Cumbia Balkanska (LCB) and Balkan Rogue International Jam (BRIJ). The repertoir...

Merry Xmas to Everybody!!!!and happy new year!!!!

Jingle bell ~ Jingle bell ~又到了歡樂的耶誕以及元旦節慶了! 今年樂盒子跟大家一樣要與心愛的家人一起渡過 , 所以要與大家說聲 抱歉啦!耶誕與元旦當天我們不會營業喔!!不過 , 平安夜與跨年宴 歡迎來與我們一起歡樂一下 , 座位馬上就要爆滿 , 記得要趕快打來預 訂 . 訂位專線︰ 0975330741 . Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, it's the festive time of Christmas and New year again!! This year La Caja De Musica will be closed on Chrismas 25th and New year 1 st day to spend time with our beloved ones as well. But come have fun with us on Christmas Eve and New year's Eve!! We are also getting super fully booked on these nights, remember to make your reservation SOON! Reservation: 0975330741

慶祝您的尾牙西班牙風格 Celebrate Chinese New year party Spanish style!

Chinese New Year is so near and our restaurant is ready to celebrate with you the popular  dinners before the vacations (Wei-Ya).  If you want to make something new this year you can try Spanish food and drinks, hurry up talk to your boss, partners . In La Caja de Musica  we are able to accommodate parties from 20 to 40   people. Please reserve from now by  email  taipei.cjm@gmail.com  , Line id: RDCN  ,phone 0920885996 / 0975330741 or facebook 農曆新年即將來臨,樂盒子歡迎大家到我們的餐廳舉辦尾牙聚會。 如果今年你們想要有一個特別的尾牙,請到樂盒子試試西班牙的美食、美酒和歡樂氣氛 。   趕快告訴你們老闆和同事吧! 我們可以容納20-40人左右的Party,請透過  email  taipei.cjm@gmail.com                                                         Line id: RDCN , facebook ,電話 0920885996 /                             ...

Mr. DC Rapier, American Classic Jazz,19th November

來自美國的 DC Rapier 有著超過半世紀的表演經驗,除了演唱外, 科班出生接受過嚴謹音樂訓練的他,更擅長吉他、長笛、薩克斯風、 和口琴等樂器。他的表演曲目多元,從錫盤街到百老匯的流行、 從比爾街到盆地街的藍調,在在都是他的強項。每當 DC’s 用自己的方式詮釋來自美國 20 年代的經典歌曲和爵士音樂, 台下的觀眾無不動容投入!這個星期六一起來搖擺,感受 DC 的音樂魅力吧! 日期: 11/19 星期六 時間: 8:30pm 門票: $300 ,含一瓶啤酒或非酒精飲料   DC Rapier has been performing for more than 50 years, singing and playing guitar, flute, sax and harmonica - but not all at the same time. DC’s engaging solo repertoire ranges from Tin Pan Alley to Broadway; from Beale Street to Basin Street and beyond. DC's personal, Bluesy interpretations of the classic songs and jazz standards from the great American songwriters of the 20th century will move you. Date: Saturday, November 19th Time: 8:30pm Price: $300, including a beer or a soda Join the facebook event here

Love night, Latin music with Musa@La Caja 27th Thursday

假如你喜歡纏綿多情、繾綣浪漫的拉丁音樂,10/27 星期四,Musa 與他的音樂夥伴們將在「樂盒子」的舞台上,帶來一系列私房精選。 當天還會有一位神秘嘉賓,在小週末的夜晚, 陪大家一起在音樂中放鬆搖擺喔! Musa:鍵盤 大頭:貝斯 阿貴:鼓 日期:10/27 星期四 8:30 pm 門票:$300(包含一瓶啤酒或非酒精飲料) If you like soft, romantic latin music, on Thursday 10/27 Musa will be playing a selection of his personal favorites with 大頭 on Bass and  阿貴 on Congas and percussion.  PS: There will be surprise guest singers... The concert begin at 20.30 , ticket 300 Nt with 1 beer or soda included.   Join the event here  

Balkazar, fire on your dancing shoes!@La Caja de Musica, Saturday 22th.

Balkazar is born in Taiwan thanks to a group of foreign nomad musicians united by their interest in Balkan music. The repertoire is made of covers and original songs, all branded with the unique Balkazar's flavour. Taste it, and you won't be able NOT TO dance ! More than a concert, listening to Bakazar is a journey. Concert begin at 20:30  ticket fee 300 Ntd with a beer or soda included. May j oin the event here!

Our Menu!!

Dear friends!! Here is the menu we have in this moment, anyway if you like other Spanish dishes or you want order something special you can tell us.  For parties or over ten people groups we can arrange your own "set menu" or do like a buffet style, everything is possible depending on your needs . 這是我們目前的菜單,如果你有特別想吃的西班牙菜,請讓我們知道。 如果是團體訂位或是派對聚會,我們可以針對你的需求提供預算內的菜單組合。 Remember to ask in the Restaurant if we have any daily Tapa or special dish  not included in the menu!! 別忘了詢問我們每日提供的 Tapas 或當日主菜,可能不在固定菜單上喔 !

Musa's Trio is Back at La Caja de Musica! 24th September

【節目預告】9/24 - Musa’s Trio 鋼琴:Musa 鼓:Toshi Fuji 貝斯:大頭 「樂盒子」的舞台又要開始熱鬧啦!我們這次邀請到了超~級厲害的樂團 Musa’s Trio 來到「樂盒子」演出!假如你對台灣的音樂表演熟悉的話,想必對 Musa’s Trio 不會太陌生。前陣子他們剛結束了日本的巡迴,並在東京的「池袋音樂節」(Ikebukuro Jazz Festival)擔任壓軸演出。回到台灣後則是繼續馬不停蹄地在各地表演,並參與了今年的「台北爵士音樂節」。他們自在地悠遊於不同的音樂元素中,對於音樂無邊無際的想像和成熟的駕馭,絕對讓你的耳膜有著不一樣的美好震動!當晚他們也會為大家帶來他們新專輯「All Kinds of Good」當中的作品!(聞香試聽: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VP-vDlwxjc ) 快打開你手機的行事曆,記下 9/24 星期六!到時歡迎來「樂盒子」和我們一起享受美食、美酒、及美妙的音樂吧! P.S. 偷偷跟大家說個小秘密,Musa 與「樂盒子」舞台的結緣始於五年多前。當時 Musa 剛來到台灣,而「樂盒子」也才剛開幕不久。這次重新邀請到這位老朋友來和大家見面,心裡實在是很激動很開心啊! 日期:2016/09/24 星期六 時間:8:30pm 票價:$300(包含一瓶啤酒或飲料),可現場購票 訂位專線:0975-330-741 UPCOMING SHOW] MUSA’S TRIO DATE:Saturday, September 24 th , 2016 TIME: 8:30pm PRICE:$300(including one beer or soda), tickets available at door RESERVATION: 0975-330-741 ======================================= Musa's Trio is coming back to La Caja de Musica on Saturday, September 24 th ! The stage of La Caja de Musica is getting busy ...

Because humans shall not live by bread alone...

轉眼間 「樂盒子」已經五歲了!一開始我們的想法其實很單純, 只是希望能在喧囂的台北城有個溫暖的小角落, 和各方朋友分享我們最愛的兩件事--美食和音樂。說起來容易, 但這個概念並不是一朝一夕成型的。九年前,主廚 Luis 大膽地在台北自家公寓的頂樓,開了一間沒有招牌、 沒有店面的私家菜餐廳--「小路的陽台」。 他相信美食自己會說話,味覺是最直接的溝通。果然,「 小路的陽台」大受歡迎,也成為今日「樂盒子」的前身。 我們從一間藏在住宅區巷弄間默默無名的小餐廳, 口耳相傳下漸漸越來越廣為人知,對我們來說就如美夢成真。 五年多來,謝謝每一位喜愛「樂盒子」的朋友, 謝謝你們每一句衷心的「哇!你們的東西好好吃喔!」「 你們推薦的酒跟菜餚好搭配喔!」 看著你們酒足飯飽後帶著滿意的微笑離開, 是我們每天揮汗努力最好的回饋。更重要的, 我們感謝大家不吝嗇地給我們建議,幫助我們從錯誤中學習、反省, 一點一點地調整、進步。 時至今日,我們很自豪「樂盒子」 已在台灣的西班牙料理界展露頭角。 我們有幸曾接待來自世界各地的朋友,他們從報章雜誌、電視節目、 或網路上認識我們,進而親自造訪體驗。儘管這幾年,一些向「 樂盒子」取經、如分身的餐廳悄悄出現,我們仍樂見其成, 因為這代表我們做對了某些事。說到底,我們的最高指導原則就是: 尊重西班牙料理的傳統風味、不譁眾取寵、不隨波逐流。最重要的, 我們愛其所為,為其所愛。 說了這麼多,其實還有很多故事希望和你們分享, 但我們更希望能邀請你親自造訪「樂盒子」, 創造自己獨一無二的經驗。「樂盒子」就像是我們的孩子, 每天在身邊不覺得有什麼變化,但每隔一段時間回頭看走過的路, 才驚覺不管是食物、菜單、舞台、 空間等都在一點點不間斷地成長進化。如同最近, 我們正忙於整理地下室的表演舞台,為接下來的音樂表演做準備。 請持續關注我們的部落格和臉書,到時一起來玩吧! La Caja de Musica is a small project started more than five years ago. Having a cozy corner in the bustling city to share our two favorite things in the world, food and music, with ...

San Fermin!! Don't let the bull catch you!!

Dear all: I am come back from my holidays in Spain!! Fisrt of all sorry if I didn't pick up your phone during these past days!! Please call now!! No problem i am in Taipei 0920885996... Just before i leave Spain everybody starts to prepare for San Fermin party ! Is in the north of Spain in Pamplona close to Basque Country. Is related to a Saint but after the years the devotion and reason to go there is the party in his own. Let's celebrate from July 7th (Thursday) come  and try the typical drink called Kalimotxo!! a refreshing and sweet mix of red wine and Coke!! If you never tried before is the perfect occasion. If you want your free glass of Kalimotxo come to our restaurant wearing white shirt and a red neckerchief. From July 7th to July 9th starting at 18h30 to 22h30. Sometimes this drink make you go crazy!!! Join the Party here!!

Reservation during Vacations!!

Hello dear friends: I will be in Spain from June 15th to July 5th, i want to announce my cellphone 0920885996 will not be reachable these days. So please to make a reservation for the restaurant you can use email as usual taipei.cjm@gmail.com find me on LINE(id:RDCN) or you can call my partner Luis 0975330741. 親愛的朋友們 我將要在6月15到7月5日之間回西班牙,這期間手機0920-885-996將無法開啟。 若您有訂位的需求請E-mail: taipei.cjm@gmail.com,或是用Line:(id:RDCN),或是和我的夥 伴Luis聯繫0975-330-741。

Shuaiguoren @La CajadeMusica 4th June

「帥國人」是由 Justin(小號、柔音號、主唱)、 Axel(吉他、主唱) 和 Chase(鼓手、處唱)組成的樂團。 演出的音樂類型包含中英文流行音樂、放克、 爵士等不同風格的歌曲,還有他們自己的創作。 ShuaiGuoRen is a Taipei based band comprised ofcomprised of Justin Darcy on Flugelhorn, Trumpet, and vocals, Axel Kirch on Guitar and Vocals, and Chase DeCoster on percussion and vocals.  ShuaiGuoRen  plays a wide variety of styles from pop and funk, to folk, jazz and originals. They pull from a number of different languages and cultures for their songs, including Chinese, English, French, and German. ◆ Band Members ◆ Justin Darcy - Trumpet, Flugelhorn, and Vocals “Justin comes from Lansdale, PA (Philadelphia), in the USA. He lived in Philadelphia during which time he attended Temple University to study Music Education + Jazz. During that time in Philadelphia, he was inspired by the soulfulness of the music there and the great players who make up the scene there.” Axel Kirch - Electric/Acoustic Guitar, Vocals “Axel only visited this planet occasionally before he ...

Mikihito Nakahira , Blues night at La Caja de Musica 9th April

Hi friends, A last minute surprise, Tonight (yes tonight 9thApril) we have the pleasure of receive in our stage to this Bluesman from  Tokyo. Mikihito Nakahira will begin his performance at 20.30, so dont worry, now you have something interesting to do tonight!. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVviogCfRvs

CROSSOVER'S PREMIERE - 戚戚首映會, Febrary 27th Sat.

相距1萬公里遠的台北與馬德里,各有一位女性正準備告訴她最好的朋友她即將的死訊。這是四位女性的故事,或只是兩位?這是電影“Crossover”《戚戚》的故事架構,居住台灣的西班牙導恩里格。亞瑪多最偉大(也最貴) 的電影。 電影在馬德里拍攝完成一半時,女主角消失無蹤(這不是電影的故事,這是事實!)。隨之而來的是兩倍的拍攝時間與費用,加上原本就是跨地拍攝的故事情節,這一切都讓這部電影更具艱辛與挑戰。但這一切讓導演與由好友(同時也是專業電影工作者) 組成的拍攝團隊覺得非常幽默。這些辛苦的過程,並沒有讓導演原本就很「精光」的頭頂加劇掉髮,但倒是讓導演的落腮鬍白了一大片。然而,生命中的起落是公平的,壓力讓在毛髮部份受創的導演,換來鏟掉8公斤的肥肉!而這個驚人的消息,讓導演、親友與樓下老王都感到非常欣慰。  「這一切的付出都是值得的,我們做了新的嘗試在“Crossover”《戚戚》裡。在不同的國家,以不同的角色個性,說同一個故事。但這並不是一個跨文化的探討,而是一個特別的說故事方式。它訴說著角色間相同的感受和事物,在對於『情感』的反應是放諸四海皆準的,那又何必只將故事限制於單一的角色和國家?」導演恩里格如是說。  Crossover《戚戚》已參加全球眾多電影節,並獲得入圍與播映,本片將於2月27日晚上九點在樂盒子(La Caja de Música) 播映。票價為200元(包含一杯飲料),座位有限,售完為止。 映後將有導演的座談會。 【CROSSOVER'S PREMIERE - 戚戚首映會】 10.000 km separan Taipéi de Madrid. En cada ciudad una mujer quiere decir a su mejor amiga que se muere. ¿Son cuatro mujeres o son sólo dos? Este es el argumento de “Crossover” la más ambiciosa (y costosa) película del director español afincado en Taiwán,  Enrique Amador. En medio del rodaje madrileño se esfumó sin d...

Happy new year of the Monkey

各位朋友,樂盒子除夕至初二公休,初三(星期二)開始正常營業。祝大家新年快樂! Hi friends, we are closed from Feb. 7th - 9th, and will be back on Wednesday the 10th. May the new year bring everyone lots of joy and prosperity!  

Flamenco at La Caja de Musica Sat 23th

Hi Friends: This coming January ,Saturday 23th have the chance to enjoy the passion of the flamenco , this special night we will be take by the hand of Sergio Muñoz( guitarrist) , Beta Chen and Marisa Chen (Bailaoras,Dancers), and Isabel Lin (Cantaora, Voice ) to have a trip around some diferent flamenco styles (palos), alegrias, bulerias , tangos... Dont miss this event , is cold outside but ur heart will turn on the flame with this performance.    佛拉明哥是一門藝術起源於西班牙南部受西班牙傳統民謠、阿拉伯、猶太 、以及吉卜賽 。現在主要搭配吉他、跳舞和吟唱。 我們要在佛拉明哥主要的曲式(palos)中遨遊,比如說alegrias、bulerias、tangos等等。 樂手:舞者:Beta Chen, Marisa Chen 歌手:Isabel Lin 吉他手:Sergio Muñoz  The performance will start at 20:30, ticket fee is 300 Nt, with a beer or soda included if do you want join the event on facebook push here