Musa's Trio is Back at La Caja de Musica! 24th September

【節目預告】9/24 - Musa’s Trio
鼓:Toshi Fuji
「樂盒子」的舞台又要開始熱鬧啦!我們這次邀請到了超~級厲害的樂團 Musa’s Trio 來到「樂盒子」演出!假如你對台灣的音樂表演熟悉的話,想必對 Musa’s Trio 不會太陌生。前陣子他們剛結束了日本的巡迴,並在東京的「池袋音樂節」(Ikebukuro Jazz Festival)擔任壓軸演出。回到台灣後則是繼續馬不停蹄地在各地表演,並參與了今年的「台北爵士音樂節」。他們自在地悠遊於不同的音樂元素中,對於音樂無邊無際的想像和成熟的駕馭,絕對讓你的耳膜有著不一樣的美好震動!當晚他們也會為大家帶來他們新專輯「All Kinds of Good」當中的作品!(聞香試聽:
快打開你手機的行事曆,記下 9/24 星期六!到時歡迎來「樂盒子」和我們一起享受美食、美酒、及美妙的音樂吧!
P.S. 偷偷跟大家說個小秘密,Musa 與「樂盒子」舞台的結緣始於五年多前。當時 Musa 剛來到台灣,而「樂盒子」也才剛開幕不久。這次重新邀請到這位老朋友來和大家見面,心裡實在是很激動很開心啊!
日期:2016/09/24 星期六

DATE:Saturday, September 24th, 2016
TIME: 8:30pm
PRICE:$300(including one beer or soda), tickets available at door
RESERVATION: 0975-330-741
Musa's Trio is coming back to La Caja de Musica on Saturday, September 24th!
The stage of La Caja de Musica is getting busy again, and we are really happy to have the amazing Musa’s Trio on it! Musa's Trio is very special to us and to many people in Taiwan. They know how to make the perfect recipe by using a diverse range of musical ingredients to satisfy the most exquisite musical taste.
After touring in Japan and closing the Ikebukuro Jazz Festival 2016 in the heart of Tokyo, Musa’s Trio has been touring all over Taiwan including performances at the Taipei Jazz Festival. Now Musa is returning to La Caja de Musica, one of his musical homes, where he first started sharing his wonderful talents when he just arrived in Taiwan almost five years ago.
With Toshi Fujii on Drums, 大頭 on Bass, Musa will be playing music from their New Album, "All Kinds of Good" (
Mark your calendar and come enjoy great wine, great food, and great music with us!
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