Because humans shall not live by bread alone...
轉眼間「樂盒子」已經五歲了!一開始我們的想法其實很單純, 只是希望能在喧囂的台北城有個溫暖的小角落, 和各方朋友分享我們最愛的兩件事--美食和音樂。說起來容易, 但這個概念並不是一朝一夕成型的。九年前,主廚 Luis 大膽地在台北自家公寓的頂樓,開了一間沒有招牌、 沒有店面的私家菜餐廳--「小路的陽台」。 他相信美食自己會說話,味覺是最直接的溝通。果然,「 小路的陽台」大受歡迎,也成為今日「樂盒子」的前身。
我們從一間藏在住宅區巷弄間默默無名的小餐廳, 口耳相傳下漸漸越來越廣為人知,對我們來說就如美夢成真。 五年多來,謝謝每一位喜愛「樂盒子」的朋友, 謝謝你們每一句衷心的「哇!你們的東西好好吃喔!」「 你們推薦的酒跟菜餚好搭配喔!」 看著你們酒足飯飽後帶著滿意的微笑離開, 是我們每天揮汗努力最好的回饋。更重要的, 我們感謝大家不吝嗇地給我們建議,幫助我們從錯誤中學習、反省, 一點一點地調整、進步。
時至今日,我們很自豪「樂盒子」 已在台灣的西班牙料理界展露頭角。 我們有幸曾接待來自世界各地的朋友,他們從報章雜誌、電視節目、 或網路上認識我們,進而親自造訪體驗。儘管這幾年,一些向「 樂盒子」取經、如分身的餐廳悄悄出現,我們仍樂見其成, 因為這代表我們做對了某些事。說到底,我們的最高指導原則就是: 尊重西班牙料理的傳統風味、不譁眾取寵、不隨波逐流。最重要的, 我們愛其所為,為其所愛。
La Caja de Musica is a small project started more
than five years ago. Having a cozy corner in the bustling city to share our two
favorite things in the world, food and music, with our dear friends, is truly a
dream come true. However, this dream was not hatched overnight. It all started
nine years ago when Luis, our chef, opened “El Patio de Mi Casa,” an underground
restaurant nestled on the rooftop of his house. It soon became a well-known hidden
gem, and planted the seed for what is La Caja de Musica today.
At the beginning, nobody knew about this hole-in-the-wall
tucked away in a small alley in Taipei. Over the years, we have become more
popular, thanks to our customers who have shared with their friends and family
about how tasty the food and wine are, and how lovely an experience they’ve had
here at La Caja de Musica. Moreover, we’d like to thank those who have criticized
us constructively and helped us improve and learn from our mistakes. After all,
we all learn something new everyday.
Nowadays La Caja de Musica is at the forefront of the
Spanish cuisine in Taiwan. We are honored to have received foodies and friends from
around the world as our guests. They first come to know about us from the
newspaper, magazines, TV shows, and the Internet, then decide to come experience
the restaurant themselves. In recent years we’ve also seen restaurants that try
to follow suit. Actually we are glad to see that because it tells us that we
are doing something well. At the end of the day, our motto is simple - respect the original flavors of the traditional
recipes and put love into what we do.
There are still many stories we’d like to share
with you, yet we prefer if you come and enjoy this one-of-a-kind experience yourself.
La Caja de Musica is like a baby - we don’t tend to notice how much it changes
day by day, but once in awhile when we look back, we realize that it has been
constantly growing and evolving, from the food, the menu, to the stage and the décor.
Right now we are busy revamping the stage downstairs so that it will be in its
best shape for the fantastic shows and concerts coming up. Stay tuned and we
hope to see you soon!
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