David Karpay , songs not just for mothers ;) Saturday 10th

This Saturday is mother's day and even will have a intimate concert at La Caja, for first time in our stage , David Karpay, will give you the perfect night end for a so special day, bring your mom, or boyfriend, girlfriend, or the one you want , but the most important, dont miss it!
a brief introduction about David K.:
Currently studying Chinese in Taiwan, David Karpay (裴山) spent the majority of his childhood and young adult life in the US playing music with his twin brother, Robert Karpay. David has been playing acoustic guitar for nearly ten years, but only recently started writing his own music and performing solo. His musical influences include Simon & Garfunkel, Iron & Wine, and other "A & B" groups. His life influences include successful breakups, the feelings of motion and acceleration, and, most recently, Chinese numbers.
Concert will start at 20.30 , ticket fee 250NTD with a beer or soda included.
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