Jason Wilson , Across the paralel universe, Saturday 24th

This Saturday 24th we receive for second time to this amazing Artist, non usual performance, One man band with just one instrument... the first time he come got all the audience atention during the whole concert . if you miss it, you have the chance to see it, and if you saw it, you know what im talking about.... so this Sat in La Caja de Musica, if you like music , dont miss it, and if you like bass sound ,this concert is esential !!! a brief introduction of this great artist: Jason Wilson is a bass player reared straight from the underbelly of the home of Krispy Kreme Donuts, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Infused with this sweet, doughy goodness for years, he ’ s managed to become not only a player, but an orchestrator of the bass guitar, using it to create every sound, beat, mix, and overdub in real time. Jason ’ s songs are loops of gritty, heavy-hitting percussion, melodies marinating in moods of universal nostalgia, and grooves with ...