Friday 14th BlueBloodedBruder at la Caja de Musica Stage

鬼鬼--郭逸萱。 藍血打擊手+精神人物
Yeah--許雅捷。 藍血唱歌手+文書處理
茵茵--殷茵。 藍血貝斯手+西塔靈魂
It’s all about the fleeting moments. Imagine being surrounded in a blue atmosphere. Music should be fun. It’s in you and me and everywhere.
Rooted in classical music, we tried what we can to create chemistry. It's all about the moments we create together, once in a every single song,
Blue and nostalgic.
We sing the blues.
We are blue.
Sooo blue, soul cool.
Our Sullen Guitarist: Ian
Our Spiritual Percussionist: Ghost
Our Singer/Songwriter: Yeah
Our Bassist Sitasoul: Yin

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