"7654 project Jazz" July 6th at La Caja de Musica stage

Dear friends, This weekend we have the chance to enjoy in La Caja one band of Jazz so peculiar, im not saying this because is formed by 5 beautifull ladies, the reason is about their style, they come from Classic music and opening their minds into the freedom of Jazz music, im really specting this Saturday to listen them, dont miss it , because will be even a farewell party of miss Hsinwei Chiang ( 江忻薇 ) , violin player in the band, who will stay out of the beautifull island for a while. 7654 project 當古典的旋律樂器小提琴、豎笛遇上傳統爵士節奏組的鋼琴、低音提琴與爵士 鼓會擦出甚麼樣的火花? 「七六五四計劃」是一個多種不同風格的爵士經典曲目混合傳統樂器的實驗。 到底實驗的結果會是甜美和諧的聲響還是一次又一次可怕的爆炸呢? 只能等你來一探究竟了! What kind of chemical reaction will happen while classical instruments bump into traditional jazz rhythm section? 7654 project is an experiment of several jazz genres with unusual combination. Come swing and groove with us, and take care of the unpredictable explosion! Clarinet: Popo Lin ( 林明萱 ) Violin: Hsinwei ...