"¡Olé Flamenco!" September 21th Friday Flamenco Night!
Dear all, I think the group for this Friday Night no need to be introduce again, we love them they are our Flamenco treusure in Taiwan, they use to perform in our stage and they will continue coming to bring us everytime something different and creative!!
If you don't know who they are I am glad to introduce you .... La Gitanita(little gypse).
La Gitanita is bringing the heat and passion of flamenco to La Caja de Musica again!
La Gitanita is a local group of flamenco singers, guitarists, dancers and percussionists in Taiwan. With years of learning and studying from workshops all over the world and even self-taught from videos on YouTube, they always strive to reach the very core of flamenco.
In addition to singing, guitar, and dance, this time La Gitanita is going to highlight one of the most ancient and essential elements in flamenco,“palmas,”meaning clapping. It is a way of percussion but using only hands as instruments. “Palmeros,” people who play palmas, need lots of training on flamenco rhythm, grooving, and patterns. The last but not least, strong arm muscles to provide strength and steadiness.
On Friday, 21 Sep, La Gitanita is proud to present 2 palmeros, Weili Hung and Anastasia Chen. Both of them are experienced in flamenco dancing, and recently they’ve been intensively working on palmas to accompany dancers and guitarists with intricate and energetic clapping. Their hard working will definitely bring the show more flavors and make the audience shout out olé more!
Singer: Poyin Chen
Guitarists: Yun-Ping Liu, Ivan Yu
Clapping: Weili Hung, Anastasia Chen
Dancer: Sandra Tsai, Lu Lee
September 21th, Friday Night around 20h30.The ticket fee is 250NT with one beer or Soda included.
體驗過佛朗明哥用節奏、吟唱與舞蹈堆疊出的神秘魔魅(duende)張力嗎?想試試?你絕對不會想要錯過小野狂花樂舞合作社(La Gitanita)帶來的這個夜晚。小野狂花樂舞合作社(La Gitanita)將再度與佛朗明哥好朋友們演繹出濃烈熱情的佛朗明哥音樂及舞蹈,魅惑你的感官!
小野狂花本月特邀台灣佛界人肉樂器掌門人中赫赫有名的–洪瑋儷、陳雅慧/Anastasia擔綱演出,舞功深厚的兩位均鑽研佛朗明哥多年。洪瑋儷(小野狂花樂舞合作社(La Gitanita)創辦人之一)自大學時期無意間接觸並愛上佛朗明哥後即不間斷的學習著這門令她著迷的藝術,近年來更不遺餘力的藉表演把佛朗明哥引介給更多喜愛樂舞的群眾;陳雅慧/Anastasia自2002年起便多次長期旅居於西班牙師從多位大師級藝術家,透過課堂及演出機會深刻體驗原汁原味的佛朗明哥文化,歷年來累積出豐富舞台資歷。
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