Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!
祝 大家耶誕快樂、新年快樂! 為什麼祝福的這麼早呢???
Soon our place La Caja de Musica will be one year old!! And from the beginning Luis and Ramses, and all the people make that magic space possible, they had been working so hard than they need some Holidays...
因為───樂盒子即將滿1周年了~~ 從一開始Luis & Ramses 以及許多朋友的努力下,創造了樂盒子這個奇妙歡樂的地方,而現在他們要去度個小假期囉~~
Our Bar will be close from December 26th to January 5th next year.
We hope you will understand, when we come back we will be ready to give you new joyful nights in La Caja de Musica, more tasty Tapas and delicious Sangria!!

But let's talk about these weeks before Holidays, if you want to make your reservation please call us like always 0920885996 / 0975330741 or use email
0920885996 / 0975330741 or Email
This Friday 9th concert with the White Eyes
Check our new daily offers!!
Friday December 23th concert Flamenco Latin with JALEO!!!
Last day December 25th Sunday Brunch with some music and Cava!!
This Friday 9th concert with the White Eyes
Check our new daily offers!!
Friday December 23th concert Flamenco Latin with JALEO!!!
Last day December 25th Sunday Brunch with some music and Cava!!
This Chinese New year you want to try something different you are welcome to have Spanish dinner with your friends and your company (Weiya 尾牙). We have space enough, we can arrange the dinner depending on your budget and we propose live music entertainment!!
如果農曆過年各位朋友想換換口味吃點傳統年菜以外 特別的食物,那麼歡迎你來試試樂盒子的西班牙菜,我們也強力推薦公司或團體到我們這裡舉辦尾牙,我們可以依照預算量身設計特別的菜色,還有音樂及各種有趣的活動!
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