王小愚 in live April 15th at 樂盒子 stage.
This month starts, and we prepare new surprises, more concerts and events .
La Caja de Musica want to present some underground musicians, because we trust in their talent.
In our days the big companies try to introduce their products with big advertising campaigns spending a lot of money, even sometimes their "products" is not what we expecting.
We believe in pure things, more simple, full of heart, the real experiences we live everyday make our lives richer.
Here is the first band of April :
You can listen to their music in: http://www.indievox.com/voizmusic
Remember come to join the experience of live music, in the best atmosphere. 15 April 2011 at 20:00
La Caja de Musica want to present some underground musicians, because we trust in their talent.
In our days the big companies try to introduce their products with big advertising campaigns spending a lot of money, even sometimes their "products" is not what we expecting.
We believe in pure things, more simple, full of heart, the real experiences we live everyday make our lives richer.
Here is the first band of April :
高中自己也加入了吉他社2004年秋天 在學業.音樂和工作中抉擇.於是離開了學校 決定一邊工作一邊玩音樂.人生志向不明.但是知道自己這輩子
就算是工作養自己和音樂也好.因為那是我人生中唯一堅持過的事 從離開學校的前一年.開始尋找可以一起玩音樂的朋友~一直到現在

Remember come to join the experience of live music, in the best atmosphere. 15 April 2011 at 20:00
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