
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2011

高山梨花 plays again at La Caja de Musica!

Hello everybody! Next Friday 29 April at 20:00 we could listen to again in  La Caja de Musica one of our favorite Bands 高山梨花!!  They are all aboriginal Taiwan people from different tribes, Amis, Beinan .... 高山梨花 take traditional songs  and play it from a personal point of view converting these songs into stylish colorful music. Their first concert in our place was such a succes than we wanted them here to play one more time, give a chance to more people can discover this band and their also funny show, of course the persons have already know them you are wellcome, too.   Friday 29 April  around 20:00!! Remember 樂盒子 Happy Hour 21:00 to 23:00 the Beers buy one get one free! Waiting for that day here you can see one moment of their last concert. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTdobIc4ilA

This Thursday Reggae party with special guest! Red-I, Biang and Bushman from Taitung and Okinawa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good vibes to everybody!!! This Thursday starting at 18:00 until you drop :)  join us in this party, with the best Reggae musicians of the island.  Mr. Red-I, Biang and Bushman gonna bring here all the roots sound to warm our souls and hearts , don't miss the chance !!!! the concert gonna start at 20:00. I promise will be amazing!!!!. 向大家推薦這個團:來自台東的都蘭雷鬼。此次巡迴台北場加入了來 自日本的bushman先生,在台北藝術大學、樂盒子跟村落餐廳 都有演出。其中樂盒子演出是四月28日禮拜四晚上八點!Enjo y the reggae heat at 禮拜四~

樂盒子Concerts in April.

Hello friends! Here they are the concerts and events we propose this month in our place. If you are curious and you want to have a good time, come with your friends( or alone ) and meet here new people listening to good music! 15/4/2011 at 20:00 王小愚 :  She is a Taiwanese Pop singer, she writes her own songs plays guitar and when you  hear her voice you feel she wants share with you her life's experiences. www.wretch.cc/blog/ fish19840604   16/4/2011 at 20:00 Feria de Abril: Saturday night you will have the opportunity practice your dance skills in our Bar in this Sevilla Night two Taiwanese girls will dance and  after that they will try to teach some basic steps for our friends. Drink white wine and  fried fish Tapas like in the real Feria de Abril and the music from the south of Spain. 22/4/2011 at 20:00 "Strike" 鍾鬍子: Strike is one of the few guys in Taiwan with beard ha,ha, ha! Seriously  I am waiting for this day because the audition ...

Great!!!! first newspaper talking about us!!! we are so happy

here can see online : http://udn.com/NEWS/LIFE/LIF6/6264016.shtml http://udn.com/NEWS/LIFE/LIF6/6264018.shtml

王小愚 in live April 15th at 樂盒子 stage.

This month starts, and we prepare new surprises, more concerts and events . La Caja de Musica want to present some underground musicians, because we trust in their talent. In our days the big companies try to introduce their products with big advertising campaigns spending a lot of money, even sometimes their "products" is not what we expecting. We  believe in  pure things, more simple, full of heart, the real experiences we live everyday make our lives richer. Here is the first band of April : 王小愚  樂團源起&介紹:從小學六年級因為姐姐會談吉他所以開始喜歡寫作. 高中自己也加入了吉他社2004年秋天 在學業.音樂和工作中抉擇.於是離開了學校 決定一邊工作一邊玩音樂.人生志向不明.但是知道自己這輩子 就算是工作養自己和音樂也好.因為那是我人生中唯一堅持過的事 從離開學校的前一年.開始尋找可以一起玩音樂的朋友~一直到現在 盡可能的去突破和嘗試不同的音樂.角色和創作. 2008年認識了任督二脈的製作政勳和建瑋.在他們的鼓勵下 我投入了創作的領域.一開始只是單純的想成為一位創作者.經 過一些時間和考量決定用王小愚這個名字開始表達自己的創作. 這不只是拿著一把吉他唱歌~而是一種意念和存在感的傳達. 2010.12.17開始了“王小愚”第一次個人創作表演. You can listen to their music in: http://www.indievox.com/voizmusic Remember come to join the experience of live mu...