
Mostrando entradas de 2011

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

Dear all: We want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Why so early? 祝 大家耶誕快樂、新年快樂! 為什麼祝福的這麼早呢???    Soon our place La Caja de Musica will be one year old!! And from the beginning Luis and Ramses, and all the people make that magic space possible, they had been working so hard than they need some Holidays... 因為───樂盒子即將滿 1 周年了~~ 從一開始 Luis & Ramses 以及許多朋友的努力下,創造了樂盒子這個奇妙歡樂的地方,而現在他們要去度個小假期囉~~  Our Bar will be close from December 26th to January 5th next year.   樂盒子的店休將從 12 月 26 日開始到 2012 年 1 月 5 日   We hope you will understand, when we come back we will be ready to give you new joyful nights in La Caja de Musica, more tasty Tapas and delicious Sangria!! 如造成不便,還請大家見諒,我們回來後一定帶著滿滿的精力,繼續為大家提供美味的 TAPAS 、好喝的西班牙水果酒,當然,還有持續迎接大家在樂盒子度過由音樂陪伴的美好夜晚。 But let's talk about these weeks before Holidays, if you want to make your reservation please call us like always 0920885996 / 0975330741 or use email taipei.cjm@gmail.com 如果你們在 12 月 26 日前想到樂盒子,請...

"The White Eyes" rocks 樂盒子 !!!! 白目樂隊搖滾樂盒子

For the second concert of December we have a very particular band, this concert will be the first performance of Rock in "La Caja de Musica",let me introduce the band  十二月的第二個禮拜五,將是樂盒子第一場搖滾演出, 向大家介紹相當獨特的樂團─白目樂隊! The White Eyes is getting pretty famous within Taiwan's and China's indie scenes.  Formed in 2004, White Eyes takes their name from a Taiwanese expression for people who say out loud those embarrassing things that everyone knows about. They've opened for international acts The Music and These New Puritans in Taiwan, were named best indie band at Taiwan's 2009 Hohaiyan Music Festival,  and their gigging experience covers Taiwan, China and Japan. The White Eyes debut album  "Kiss Your Eyes" was recorded in Beijing and later mastered in New York by Greg Calbi, who's worked with Sonic Youth, Pavement, Interpol, MGMT. 白目樂隊在台灣及中國的搖滾圈占有一席獨特的位置。 成團於2004年,白目樂隊的團名靈感來自於台灣俗語。 他們為2009年的海洋音樂祭國際演出團The Music與These New Puritans開場,並贏得海洋音樂祭大賞, 巡迴經...

樂盒子Daily Special offers!!!

樂盒子新推出每日特別優惠 星期二歡迎來樂盒子享受西班牙微醺的味道,只要點酒類飲料 ( 生力啤酒、檸檬啤酒、西班牙水果酒、紅白酒 ) ,就送西班牙人國民必點 Tapas. On Tuesday for every glass of wine, beer, Sangria you buy  get the Tapa of the day for free!  星期三當然是 Ladies night ,可是樂盒子也同時歡迎男生,找三五好友到我們店裡小酌一番,酒類飲料買一送一! Wednesday of course is Ladies night, mans welcome too. Every glass of wine, beer, Sangria, you buy get one free! For the bottles or 1 liter pot the second one is half price! 星期四品嘗西班牙美食的好機會,我們推出周四海鮮飯日,原價四人份 1000 元、特價 850 元!  On Thursday unbelievable offer the best Spanish Seafood rice in Taiwan only 850NT ( for 4people).   星期五樂盒子的音樂舞台是屬於大家的 ~~ 歡迎各位愛音樂的朋友們來這裡和我們暢快玩音樂、聽音樂,如果你愛跳舞也歡迎來這裡和我們同樂, 20h30- 午夜,啤酒只要 100 元 Fridays, Fridays, Fridays we have Live music and you have the beers 100NT Come on!!   星期六到樂盒子聚餐 4 人以上同時消費套餐,就送一壺超好喝的西班牙水果酒  On Saturday call your friends and come to diner, groups of 4 or more people who order our menu you will have a 1 liter pot of Sangria(red wine and fruits) FREE!! 星期日我們 ...

Friday December 2th! Jam Session & Henna Tattoo experience

Hello friends: December starts this week and as you know La Caja de Musica invites you to Jam! on the first Friday of the month. Here we have many guitars and percussion but of course you can always bring your own instrument, I remember last time we play with a  guy who comes with his Chinese violin it was pretty cool! 親愛的朋友們: 十二月即將從本週開始,第一週 La Caja de Musica 樂盒子 邀請你來 Jam! 我們已經備有很多吉他, 以及節奏樂器等著你!當然你也可以帶著你自己的樂器來同樂! 記得上一次 Jam 活動,我們和一位超棒的南胡好手一起享受音樂!   If you bring your own instrument and Jam  we will give you one beer free man! So what more do you need?? Music, good ambiance, beer and friends!如果你帶著自己的樂器來 Jam , 將可以得到一杯免費的啤酒!還等什麼呢?音樂、美好的氣氛、 啤酒和好友! If all of this is not enough for you this Friday December 2th we count with the presence in our Bar of one special artist, our friend Thera who can draw amazing Henna tattoos.如果這樣的活動也無法滿足你, 我們本周五將向大家介紹一位很棒的藝術家─我們的好朋友 Ther a ,她將向大家介紹印度指甲花繪染,以及背後神秘的文化, 不僅如此還能親身體驗喔! The plant of Henna  was used long time ago in the ancient...

Sunday 27th Our first Brunch with LIVE MUSIC!!

Dear all: As you already know every Sunday we open  12:00 to 16:00 offering our delicious Tapas (50NT each) and many more dishes( Paellas under reservation, please). This Sunday 27th November is very special we want to invite you to share with friends and family our first Live Music Brunch. You can  hear for this time Brazilian music we invite to perform a band call PESSOAS that means "persons". Pessoas band  come from Kaosiung  and they are Brazilian  and Taiwanese, they play a music call  Forró that  is a kind music and dance from Northeastern Brazil developed from European styles of folk music.  This band also play Modern Xote and of course Bossa Nova and some classic Samba!! For this first Live Music Brunch NO TICKET FEE !!  the music will start around 13H00 ! Don't be lazy and wake up a little bit earlier and come to have a nice Sunday morning in La Caja de Musica.

SOY LA LEY in Live! at La Caja de Musica 11/25/2011

This friday 25Th is so special for us, its the Birthday of Luis (Can bring a gift to our Chef if you want :P ) and we want make a special party , thats because is a so special day we have a sooOO special band  " Soy La Ley "  , one night with many surprises, to share our happyness , come ready to dance!!!! cant miss it this friday in here, in La Caja de Musica !!!. Concert will Start at: 20.30 h. Ticket  prize: 300 Ntd with one beer or soft drink included. 【 Soy La Ley 】是台灣少數承襲古巴音樂傳統的樂團, 成軍於2010年11月, 秉持著融合爵士與古巴音樂的初衷, 在拉丁節奏中, 讓聽眾感受到爵士樂即興的不可預期性。【Soy La Ley】希望能傳遞音樂、也扎根文化。用每一次的演出, 提供另一種聲音; 並在演出之外, 以講座和示範教學等活動推廣爵士和拉丁文化。 【 Soy La Ley 】在西班牙文中意為 “I am the law”, 源自 Pete "El Conde" Rodríguez 的拉丁爵士專輯。I am the law 的捨我其誰, 代表著身為職業樂手的團員們在音樂路上的堅決、在生命中選擇音樂的執著、以及傳遞音樂的熱情。 對夢想的霸氣, 來自於堅持自己的勇氣。 你相信在台灣可以玩這樣的古巴爵士嗎? 他們相信。 從 Rumba, Danzon, Salsa, 到 Latin Jazz, 你相信在台灣可以玩這樣的古巴爵士嗎? Soy La Ley在西班牙文中意為 “I am the law”--捨我其誰!對夢想的霸氣, 來自於堅持自己的勇氣!       ...

Friday Night Live music !!

Dear all!  This Friday November 18th around 20:30 we will listen to again one of our favorite Bands(Gao Shan Li Hua) 高山梨花!!  They are all aboriginal Taiwan people from different tribes, Amis, Beinan .... 高山梨花 take traditional songs  and play it from a personal point of view converting these songs into stylish colorful music. Their first concert in our place was such a succes than we wanted them to play here one more time and  also see again their  funny show.   Friday November 18th around 20:30, ticket fee 250NT with one beer or soft drink included. Like always people have dinner first no need pay ticket fee Waiting for that day here you can watch one moment of their last concert here.

This Friday Night 11/11/11 !!

Dear friends! This Friday is a very special date 11/11/11 only once every 100 years it happens.We want to party this event with some live music in our stage  starting at 21:00 we would like to invite everybody to Jam in our stage. The band JALEO will open the Jam with some Spanish songs and then the stage is all yours!! We are entering the Age of Aquarius on November 11, 2011 so at 11h00P.M. we will offer FREE BEER!! for all the people in 樂盒子!!! So don't be lazy pick up your guitar, bass, percussion, your voice and come over here to play and have a good time. All kind of musics are welcome, blues, rock, jazz, funk, folk, everybody is invited to participate. Hope see you soon!!


Dear friends of La Caja de Musica: It is longtime without invite any band to our underground stage this week we are glad to present the new band issue of ALMA ITANA members and new musicians from other Taiwanese bands. This new formation have influences of  Flamenco, Latin, Pop and Reggae music,their members coming from Spain, Guatemala and Taiwan. They want to introduce themselves as JALEO ! ! JALEO is a Spanish word with different meanings like "encourage clapping with gestures and voices" or kind of "messy situation, disorder"..... just perfect to express our band and our shows!! So this Friday night no excuses just to come and join the partyyyyyy!! The concert starts at 21h30.   Ticket fee 250NT with beer of soft drink included. The people have reservation for dinner no need pay ticket fee. 

Sunday Tapas just 50 Ntd each !!!!!!!

Tapa, Ñam , Tapa , Ñam , Tapa , Ñam, Tapa , Ñam , Tapa , Ñam ,Tapa, Ñam , Tapa , Ñam , Tapa , Ñam, Tapa , Ñam , Tapa , Ñam, un vino!!!!! Yes friends ,is  than simple , easy, good , tasty and CHEAP!!!!!!  because we want everybody can enjoy the sunday morning/afternoon  with us , thats why we decide Sunday at 11.55 a.m till 15.30. , the Tapas just 50 nt each one!!! come and share this moment of the week with  your friends and us at La Caja de Musica. Tapas,好吃, Tapas,好吃, Tapas,好吃, Tap as,好吃, Tapas,好吃, Tapas,好吃, Tapas, 好吃, Tapas,好吃, Tapas,好吃,一杯西班牙美酒!! 沒錯朋友!就是如此簡單、好吃、美味以及更便宜!!!!! 因為我們希望每一個人都能和我們一起享受星期天早晨/午後, 星期天11:55 am 到15:30am,每一種Tapas都只要50元!! 快來樂盒子與朋友和我們一起分享這周美好的時刻!!

Aashti SilkRoad Ensemble Oriental Music Night!!

Dear Friends of La Caja de Musica this  Friday night September 30th  we want  invite you to a great concert!! Aashti members come from Macedonia and  Taiwan they play around the island since 2008. His music mix different cultures and styles.Traditional folk music from the Balkan peninsula but most of their songs are from Macedonia. Four members form this band Alex (plays "tambura", traditional string instrument from Macedonia), Angel (vocal), Janelle (violin and keyboards) and Laoma (drums from Middle East and Turkey). This Friday Night around 20h30, ticket fee 250NT with one beer or soft drink included. The people get reservation for dinner first no need pay ticket fee. Hope see you there and enjoy this magical night with Aasthi!! they will make you travel to another time and place!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HQiWzkfQFo http://facebook.com/aashti.silkroadensemble

Spanish Almuerzo , Sunday lunch time. 星期日中午,西班牙午餐。

Dear friends , Thanks for come in our first Sunday Lunch , this week we will continue offering Tapas , Spanish wines,sangria.... , we will introduce new menus for Brunch/Lunch. , and even new creations,so if you want discover the taste of the authentic spanish food,surprise your mouth,  broke with your routine and have a nice begin of day , come this Sunday 25 to La Caja de Musica , we will open from 11.55 till 16.00 . 親愛的朋友們,謝謝你們來參與上周日第一次的星期日午餐。 這個周日我們將繼續供應Tapas、西班牙美酒、 水果酒與大家同樂。我們將推薦全新的早午餐菜單, 甚至全新創意菜色,因此如果你想探索真正西班牙菜餚的美味、 給味蕾一個驚喜、以有別與平日一般的方式來開始美好的一天, 這個周日25號來樂盒子西班牙餐廳!!我們的營業時間為11: 55am至16:00pm。 oh i almost forgot!!!... Our Chef Luis prepare his famous "Chocolate oranges"  I strongly recomend you try it !!   阿!我差一點忘了! 我們的主廚Luis特製了他頗有名氣的獨家糖漬甜橙巧克力, 我們強烈的建議你嘗嘗它!

El Domingo... Nos vamos de Tapeo!!!!!!!! This Sunday lets go to Tapeo!

Dear friends: Some time ago, we miss the fact to wake up earlier and go to eat tapas and drink some wines on Sundays afternoon, that's something so typical in Spain , and we love do it. That's why we decide open this Sunday 18th at 11:55 a.m , and have the possibility to enjoy  some relaxing moments with you, well you know...  good chatting, great Spanish wines and of course  Tapas! In this first day that  we will open in the  morning, we have a special offer: 4 different Tapas =   Only 400 Ntd and get FREE a glass of Spanish wine ( red or white ), Sangria , beer or soft drink. We will propose you to taste  the tapas  included in our menu and some new ones. Don't miss this opportunity to meet with your friends and feel the Spanish soul you have inside at La Caja de Musica!!!! Please check info and add at Facebook event of  La Caja de Musica   (樂盒子) in here 親愛的朋友們: 不久以前我們很想念在星期天享受Tapas和美酒( 在西班牙這是一件我們熱愛且非常普遍的事情),...

When some one ask me , what is La Caja de Musica? 每當有人問我,什麼是La Caja de Musica樂盒子?

La Caja de Musica is: 樂盒子是: Traditional home made food ; cooked with the original recipes of our mothers and grandmothers, you can feel  the time of preparation, the fresh ingredients the love and passion in each bite. 用最傳統手工私房製作的菜餚;以來自我們的母親、 祖母的原創食譜來烹調,你可以在每一口品嚐時, 感受到菜餚中每一分的精心準備、最新鮮的食材,以及愛與熱情! Is Spanish Tapas bar ; a place were can meet your friends to enjoy a good talking  at same time taste the wines with D.O  from Spain with many kind of tapas and rations , or just make a stop in your hard working day to drink a cold beer! 一個典型的西班牙 Tapas bar ;一個我們與朋友一起相聚,並同時品嘗來自西班牙有著 D. O 加冕的好酒,以及種類繁多的西班牙 Tapas 及菜餚的地方; 或是一個辛苦工作後,可以享受一杯冰涼啤酒的好去處。 Is a Live music stage; a place were can enjoy a concert  , or if you are musician , share your art , jamming or   performance. a warm place where can feel the music in the air...... 一個現場音樂演出的舞台 ;一個我們可以享受現場音樂表演的地方! 如果你是音樂人,跟我們分享你的藝術、 與大家一起即興演奏或演出。 一個可以在空氣中感受到音樂的溫暖之處! Is a exposition gallery, photography , plast...

First Friday of the month JAM SESSSION!!

Helloooooo!! La Caja de Musica propose you a Jam Session every first Friday of the month. All kind of musics are welcome, blues, rock, jazz, funk, folk, everybody is invited to participate and if you bring your instrument and play a song with  us you have ONE BEER FREE!! So don't be lazy pick up your guitar, bass, percussion, your voice and come over here to play and have a good time. We use to start the Jam around 20:30. See You HERE!!

Paella and Tortilla!!

Dear friends: September is here and we still  cooking  delicious dishes  for you,  making music, and organizing some concerts!! La Caja de Musica  wants to introduce two very very typical Spanish dishes both are round and yellow, but so different.... La Paella (Spanish Seafood rice) This is the most international  well known Spanish dish  but in Spain it remains more typical of the Mediterranean Coast area, Valencia, Alicante. Few things you should know is that "Paella" is the name of the pan where the rice and the other ingredients are cooked and the Seafood rice is only one of the different recipes  of this kind of rices.  One of the best is the rice with rabbit or chicken instead the seafood. Why is yellow? Is because  we use saffron to cook the rice and gives this beautiful color and delicious taste. Like the tortilla everybody have his own way to prepare La Paella so never get the same taste. 西班牙海鮮飯和西班牙蛋餅!! 親愛的...

This Friday 5 August JAM SESSION!!

Dear friends! This Friday August 5th starting at 20:30 we would like to invite everybody to Jam in our stage. Luis and Ramses will open the Jam with some Spanish songs and then the stage is all yours!! So don't be lazy pick up your guitar, bass, percussion, your voice and come over here to play and have a good time. All kind of musics are welcome, blues, rock, jazz, funk, folk, everybody is invited to participate. La Caja de Musica have HAPPY HOUR on Fridays night 21:00 to 23:00 BEERS 2x1!!

Saturday July 9th Renlai World Music Concert!!!

Dear friends!!! This Saturday July 9th we have an extraordinary event in our place!! Like always we open at 18h30 we propose you, thanks to eRenlai Magazine, three diferent concerts Post-Pipa, post-Guzheng fusion improvisations and flaming multi-tongue Flamenco. This Saturday night is eRenlai's historical first ever music concert and aims to sparks a musical intercultural dialogue, kicking off with pipa master 駱昭勻 Luo Chao Yun.  Followed by 卡到音即興樂團    親愛的朋友們! 7 月 9 日本週六,在樂盒子我們有一個相當特別的活動! 如同以往我們晚上六點開始營業,特別感謝 e 人籟雜誌   eRenlai  Magazine , 因此我們可以享受三場獨特的音樂演出─琵琶演奏家駱昭勻、 古箏即興融合樂團、現代拉丁佛朗明哥融合樂團。 本週六晚上為 e 人籟雜誌  eRenlai  Magazine 史上 首場音樂演出,希望點燃不同文化交互作用的火花, 以琵琶演奏家駱昭勻 Luo Chao Yun 拉開序幕。 Ka Dao Yin , poets of the improvisation. 緊接登場的是 Ka Dao Yin 卡到音即興樂團,   Best Flamenco Latin Band in Taiwan, Alma Itana takes the evening to the end with their amazing live show! 最後讓台灣最棒的現代拉丁佛朗明哥融合樂團─ Alma Itana 澳瑪 ˙ 伊塔娜樂團, 以他們驚人的現場演出為此夜畫上句點! Free...

Dear friends , this friday we will performance with our band Alma Itana...

We will performance with our band in another place, so we will not have performance in our place this friday, Sorry for that, but we invite you to join us in Revolver , at 9.30  PM. saturday we will reward you!!! Anyway the restaurant will be open till that hour, dont worry your food will be ready like allways ;) See you soon friends!!

Waka "Tabla" & Yo"Sitar" India Music Night!!

India music lover's you are so lucky!! this Friday June 24th La Caja de Musica presents one special concert,  Waka and Yo they are the reference of India music in Taiwan, they have developed a big career here making a lot  of performances around the island. Waka Yo 印度音樂聯盟 "一起練習吧!"當電話那頭的Waka,隔著聽筒,對著根本沒見過面的Yo說,就這樣,Waka和Yo以及他們的樂器-Tabla和Sitar相遇了......。在數百個一起玩音樂的日子裡,他們從印度來到台灣,期待繼續以樂會友,和大家一起同樂。 TablaWAKA (若池敏弘)迄今演奏印度 Tabla鼓已有二十年經驗。自1987年開始學習塔布拉鼓 -- 演出經驗豐富--曾參與多位活躍於歐美的音樂創作者之跨界作品演出。於印度及日本舉辦過無數的個人演奏會--受邀於印度、孟加拉、日本、台灣、泰国、韓 國、加拿大等國際音樂藝術節演出。近年受邀來台演奏--活躍於國內樂壇--並擔任國立台南藝術大學印度音樂工作坊導師及台湾塔布拉鼓愛好會會長。 SitarYO (金光亮平) 日籍樂手,2004年進入印度加爾各答Visva-Bharati大學音樂系,主修北印度古典西塔琴演奏。自2005 年起,開始在印度各地演奏,廣受好評。 2006年受邀來台演奏,於台灣大學、交通大學、台北教育大學講習印度音樂,並巡迴於印度、泰國、孟加拉、日本、韓國...等亜州全土演出。 全台湾最専業的西塔琴演奏家。 一起分享美麗的西塔琴音色! This Friday around 20:00 come here to enjoy the music and have one spiritual and harmonious night with the magic sound of the Sitar and the rhythms of Tabla..... Ticket fee 200NT included beer or s...

"Picturing" in Taipei, Nae Takarada photo exhibition

This week we have the pleasure and the honor to receive from Japan this great artist in our place. Nae Takarada , the  photographer, show us the world we live in, reflexed in paper and developed in traditional way by herself making the complete process to dont loose in the process any detail of the esence of this old art . She is the eyes of the hope in this uncertain days. "These photos were taking in my life which is still continuing this moment. it's my life in japan, the disaster areas and taiwan."  Nae Takarada. The exposition runing from the day 21th  to 24 th of June. Dont let another people tell you , see it by yourself!. Nae Takarada Born in 1981 in Tokyo. During of the time in the university, started to travel around the world alone. Majored in the history of art. After graduation, once worked at the biggest Japanese travel agency. But quitting the stable job and went to photography art school to search for the expresstion of “the life”. from 20...

Spanish artist Balu in Concert!!

Dear friend!! This Friday 10th we have a very special guest in our stage,  Spanish singer Balu,  he has been in so many countries all over the World, Brazil, England, Cuba, Mongolia, China and know he is living in one of the most beautiful places in Taiwan, somewhere in the coast of Taitung. He is passionate for  the Flamenco, when he sings he transforms himself in a gipsy soul,  it is a very special moment, you can feel he has so many stories to tell about his experiences. Balu recently goes to Beijing to record a CD of Flamenco with a famous guitar player. see and listen here  Friday night around 20:30 he will be at La Caja de Musica, so welcome everybody to have fun one more time and spend the night until midnight in our Bar. The people make a reservation for dinner no need pay ticket fee. 250NT for this concert with a beer or soft drink included. 親愛的朋友們 ! 這個禮拜五2 月 10 日,我們將有一位非常特別的來賓─西班牙歌手 Balu 。他曾遊歷各國演唱:巴西、英國、古巴、蒙古以及中國, 現在居住在台灣最美麗的一處─台東海岸。 他著迷於...

放客兄弟 Funky Brothers and Dj Zulu !!! This Friday 10th!!

Dear friends! This Friday night around 20:30 we want to invite you all to a crazy, funky party night in our place, we have a real amazing band and awesome Dj !! They introduce themselves like: Funky Brothers!!You could control your body but you can't control your mind. A band who not only makes you keep grooving but touch your  heart deep inside. Funky Brothers(放客兄弟)-你可以控制住你的身體,但控制不住你的心!一個不只給你無法自主的律動,還要給你無法忘記感動的樂團. 成軍兩年,將 70~80年代具有FUNKY精神的各種音樂類型融入其創作風格當中,從Funk/Disco/Blues到Nu-Jazz/Acid-jazz/R&B/Reggae/Swing…放客兄弟的音樂創作永遠充滿groove(律動) 從感性到激昂.Funky Brothers用熱情令人想舞動的音符和節奏,表達對人群,對世界,對自我對情感,對你對我的思維. 放客兄弟的音樂有一種魔力,總讓人覺得走進了毫無拘束的叢林,我們不在乎世俗的眼光,不在乎社會的繫絆,也試圖用音樂爲聆聽者卸下心中的柵欄,解放每個人都有的如野獸般的狂野自在.我們不只帶著充滿搖擺氣息的音符,在旋律線的背後,我們更堅持音樂帶給人們的感動,歌詞影響人們的力量.「你可以控制住你的身體,但控制不住你的心!」跟著放客兄弟解放你的身心,跟著節奏一起擺動身軀. Started in 2008, mixed the elements of 70s~80s music into their music. Including Funk, Disco, Blues, Acid-jazz, R&B, Reggae, Swing…Funky Brothers always surprised people.when you see them play,you ca...