
Mostrando entradas de 2021


  Dear all: 聖誕節到了! Christmas is here!! Let's celebrate with family and friends and let go this year 2021 !! 快和家人朋友們一起慶祝,度過2021年,迎接2022年吧! During these Christmas days  our opening hours: 聖誕和新年期間,樂盒子的對外營業時間是: December 24th  closing at 21h00, we wanna have our Xmas Eve dinner too 12/24 營業到晚上九點(老闆們也要回家吃聖誕晚餐) December 25th   regular schedule 17:00 - 22:00 12/25 營業時間 17:00-22:00 December 31st   regular schedule 17:00 - 22:00, everyone has plans that night right? 12/31 營業時間 17:00-22:00(員工們各自有跨年計畫) January 1st we will rest!! No open!!  2022/1/1 店休不營業,沒開! First working day of 2022 will be January 4th. 新年2022年,我們從1月4日週二開始營業,歡迎提前訂位 We wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for this coming up year 2022! 祝福大家聖誕平安,2022年新年快樂!

July 2021 new schedule. 七月份營業時間調整

 樂盒子西班牙餐廳 七月份營業時間調整 由於目前新冠肺炎的狀況未明, 我們在此告知大家我們七月份營業時間將調整為每週三日 我們將服務各位的精力集中在週四、週五、週六這三天, 來店自取與外送時間為 15:30~20:30   您可以透過以下各種方式聯繫我們 臉書訊息: www.facebook.com/ Lacajademusicataipei/ Line:RDCN 手機: 0975330741  /  0920885996   即時現吃的菜單在這裡  https://forms.gle/ vrDwm2zRU496aZUT7 真空包裝與冷凍食品   https://forms.gle/ r8hoQAhEkNYaUD2W6   您可以隨時透過網路訂單下訂, 來店自取或餐食外送的時間則是每週四、週五、週六。 非常感謝疫情期間每一位顧客對樂盒子的支持! 期待在樂盒子餐桌上見到大家的那一天! Dear all we want to announce  our new schedule during the month of July, due  to Covid 19 mesures we are not allow to have people inside the restaurant, that situation make our daily life and our business  very different.  To safe some energy and money we decide to operate 3 days a week, we want concentrate as much orders as possible during these three days, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 15h30 to 20h30 We have different options going on you can contact us as usual through: for you to choose: Facebook messenger:  www.face...