1+1=Sarya and Barbie@LaCajadeMusica 6th OCT

JOIN THE EVENT HERE! Barbie Barbie是一位來自台灣的歌手/作曲者。曾經在台北各飯店、婚禮及酒吧駐唱。雖然沒受過任何正式歌唱或吉他訓練,但憑著對音樂的熱誠,近期開始嘗試吉他及鋼琴自彈自唱。寬廣的音域和帶有豐富情感的歌聲,總是能讓聽眾沈浸在歌曲的意境之中。 Barbie(林琬芸) is a Taiwanese singer-songwriter who has performed at weddings, hotels, at restaurants all over Taipei. Despite never receiving any formal training for singing or guitar, her passion for music inspired her to start her musical career. With the wide range and affectionate vocal tones, she moves the audiences with each song. https://www.youtube.com/user/barbielin705985 https://www.facebook.com/BarbieLinMusic/ BARBiE LiN / MUSIC Music/Cover/Writing Sarya Wu (沙拉) is a Taiwanese-American who loves languages, people, and the art of finding underground acoustics. She likes write poems, sing with her ukulele, and plays occasional roller derby. Otherwise, she ’ s complaining about Sainsbury's meal deals and the fundamental flaws of business ethics. Please read ...