Jose Stewart Band , Northern fusion, 7th April

講到西班牙~你會想到哪些爵士專輯? Miles Davis與Gil Evans合作的專輯【Sketches of Spain】?Chick Corea的融合大作【My Spanish Heart】? 你知道的西班牙爵士音樂家又有哪些?眼盲的鋼琴大師 Tete Montoliu?近年重新演繹Sketches of Spain而聲名大噪的鋼琴家 Chano Dominguez?還是Brad Mehldau長期合作的鼓手Jorge Rossi?你知道殖民者將西班牙傳統舞曲節奏帶到美洲,進而影響了滋養爵士樂的重要元素Afro-Cuban節奏嗎? 來吧~ 我們請到José Stewart Band。團長Jose 是正統的西班牙人,將為我們帶來一個半小時滿滿的南歐風格,來感受一下José Stewart恣意熱情的鼓擊、張瑛蘭感性與知性兼具的長笛語彙,與爵士圈bass新星劉育嘉堅強的低頻守備。來聽聽這奔放熱情又浪漫的西班牙風情爵士吧! José Stewart Band: José Stewart: drums, percussion 張瑛蘭: flute 劉育嘉: bass Jazz Quiz time! How many Spain-cross-Jazz elements we could think of ? Epic cool jazz / third stream album “Sketches of Spain” made by the great Miles Davis and Gil Evans? Another fusion jazz masterpiece “My Spanish Heart” of Chick Corea’s; How about jazz musicians from Spain? To name few like Tete Montoliu, Chano Dominguez, Jorge Rossi… Do you even know that during the colonial years, traditional dance beats Habanera was introduced to America and gave birth to the rhythm often using later in Lati...