
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2018

Flamenco en Flor@La CajadeMusica 17th March

表演者:  吉他手:游柏彥(Ivan Yu) 歌  手:陳柏因(PoYin Chen) 舞  者:許嘉倩(ChiaChien Hsu) /林俊甫(Manuel Lin) 活動介紹: 小野狂花樂舞合作社實力派歌手陳柏因,吉他手游柏彥和舞者許嘉倩,以及特邀舞者林俊甫將於三月春暖花開之際在西班牙小酒館樂盒子帶給大家最豐富最真實的佛朗明哥樂舞表演。四位表演者都曾在西班牙長住學習佛朗明哥藝術,課餘總愛往小巷裡洞窟裡的小酒館鑽,看著充滿力量的吟唱,樂句,節奏及舞蹈相互交織,與觀眾的互動更形成不可言喻的氛圍,既生活化又富生命力。 三月十七號週六晚上八點鐘@樂盒子,絕對給你初春最撼動人心的視覺聽覺饗宴。 Ticket in door 300NTD with a soda or beer included. Join our event in facebook here! Flamenco, un arte proviniente de España, arraigado en Andalucía. Lleva el cante, el baile, la música y mucho ritmo. Expresa y transmite sentimientos y pasiones, haciéndolo tanto en la música yel cante, como en el baile. Cantaora PoYin Chen, guitarrista Iván Yu, bailaora ChiaChien Hsu, son artistas taiwaneses que aman el arte flamenco, forman parte del grupo de flamenco ¨La Gitanita¨ y colaboran con otros artistas . Esta vez los acompana Manuel Lin , un verdadero aficionado al flamenco , practica  todos los días después de trabajo. Los artistas han vivido meses in...

Formosa Klezmopolitans@La CajadeMusica, March 10th

Introducing Formosa Klezmopolitans Formosa Klezmopolitans is a new Taipei band that has been under development since May 2017. The ensemble specializes in klezmer music, which is a folk music tradition from the Jewish cultures of Eastern Europe. The band also draws on influence from many other corners of the world to create a unique global sound. Klezmer music is made for dancing, and is usually played at weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations. Although it is a secular tradition, it has strong ties to temple songs and religious music. Band members are Emmanuel Brotte on the clarinet and Chinese flute (簫),Cosmo 陳冠綸 on bass, Cristina Cox on violin and piccolo, Jack Kerns-Mares on drums and percussion, Luo  Chen-Hun 羅正楎 on Chinese dulcimer (揚琴) and Rose Goossen on guitar and lead vocals. Tickets are 350 NT at the door, and include one beer or soda.Join the event here!. Formosa Klezmopolitans 是一個從2017年5月開始發展的台北樂團。 樂團以Klezmer音樂為主,Klezmer音樂是一 種東歐的 猶太傳統民謠。 Formos...