Roxane & Friends@La Caja de Musica, Saturday 9th

Roxane is a singer and guitar player from Switzerland. She ll bring along various styles ( rock, Latin , European... ) in a interpretation full of Harmonies of their own ! Johnny Cash's country classics to spanish Rumba, old School 70' s to french songs and much more... 羅克蕬 (Roxane) 是一位旅行音樂家,來自瑞士的她自幼家裡受音樂家父親的薰靡,13歲就開始四處演出。之後她雲遊西班牙,比利時,高緬,與各地的樂手交流並學會數種語言。她熱愛原創,以及用歡唱的雷鬼,拉丁節奏翻唱各種名歌。近期來台灣留學並工作,也特地跟當地樂手組成羅克蕬樂隊,僅僅兩個月就以在台北演出近二十場,並將遠行高雄,烏來等台北外的舞台 Concert begin at 20.30 , ticket on door 300 with a beer or soda included or discount of 100 in other drink..