Mr. DC Rapier, American Classic Jazz,19th November

來自美國的 DC Rapier 有著超過半世紀的表演經驗,除了演唱外, 科班出生接受過嚴謹音樂訓練的他,更擅長吉他、長笛、薩克斯風、 和口琴等樂器。他的表演曲目多元,從錫盤街到百老匯的流行、 從比爾街到盆地街的藍調,在在都是他的強項。每當 DC’s 用自己的方式詮釋來自美國 20 年代的經典歌曲和爵士音樂, 台下的觀眾無不動容投入!這個星期六一起來搖擺,感受 DC 的音樂魅力吧! 日期: 11/19 星期六 時間: 8:30pm 門票: $300 ,含一瓶啤酒或非酒精飲料 DC Rapier has been performing for more than 50 years, singing and playing guitar, flute, sax and harmonica - but not all at the same time. DC’s engaging solo repertoire ranges from Tin Pan Alley to Broadway; from Beale Street to Basin Street and beyond. DC's personal, Bluesy interpretations of the classic songs and jazz standards from the great American songwriters of the 20th century will move you. Date: Saturday, November 19th Time: 8:30pm Price: $300, including a beer or a soda Join the facebook event here