Shuaiguoren @La CajadeMusica 4th June

「帥國人」是由 Justin(小號、柔音號、主唱)、 Axel(吉他、主唱) 和 Chase(鼓手、處唱)組成的樂團。 演出的音樂類型包含中英文流行音樂、放克、 爵士等不同風格的歌曲,還有他們自己的創作。 ShuaiGuoRen is a Taipei based band comprised ofcomprised of Justin Darcy on Flugelhorn, Trumpet, and vocals, Axel Kirch on Guitar and Vocals, and Chase DeCoster on percussion and vocals. ShuaiGuoRen plays a wide variety of styles from pop and funk, to folk, jazz and originals. They pull from a number of different languages and cultures for their songs, including Chinese, English, French, and German. ◆ Band Members ◆ Justin Darcy - Trumpet, Flugelhorn, and Vocals “Justin comes from Lansdale, PA (Philadelphia), in the USA. He lived in Philadelphia during which time he attended Temple University to study Music Education + Jazz. During that time in Philadelphia, he was inspired by the soulfulness of the music there and the great players who make up the scene there.” Axel Kirch - Electric/Acoustic Guitar, Vocals “Axel only visited this planet occasionally before he ...