Terrai Wine Tasting & Spanish Tapas!!

Dear friends: We would love you to join us for a wine tasting party nex t Wednesday October 28th... Mr. Adrián Gonzalo ( COVINCA ASIA MANAGER ) and Oriol Aynes from Do wines Taiwan will be in Taipei on 10/28 presenting TERRAI red wines at La Caja de Musica. "The best comes out of the land, and Terrai shows that from our vineyards come out the best grapes. We make mono-varietal native grapes with them (Grenache,Syrah, Carignan…). Special, modern and original wines". 紅酒 (Red wines) Terrai OVG 2014 (Grenache) Terrai S10 2010 (Shyrah) Terrai C11 (Carignen) 白酒 (White wine) Valdelosfrailes 2014 (Verdejo ) 時間: 10/28(三) 19:00 - 22:00 地點: 台北市大同區長安西路138巷3弄18號 電話: 0920 885 996 (Ramses) 進票: 800元 (Special price due to all wines provided by TERRAI). 地方: 樂盒子 (La Caja de Música) This wine tasting includes: Buffet with Spanish traditional tapas prepared specially for this occasion. Free tasting of all Terrai wi...