The String Beans ft. Bernie Small-Beard at La Caja ~ Opening performance by the Great DC Rapier. Friday 29th.

The String Bean Party is not just Jared Rust picking guitar and Serena Engel playing cello while their two voices ring true in one accord. It isn't just folk or bluegrass or jazz or blues. The String Bean Party is also a tree reaching toward the sun, the change of seasons slowly cracking a frozen lake, and the wind gently creasing the surface of a cup of tea. It's the music playing at an infinite dinner party where, surprisingly, you actually like everybody. Vote today for The String Bean Party by stomping your feet, clapping your hands and saying hello ~ It is the Party's great honor and pleasure to be accompanied by our comrade of ages, Bernie Little-Beard on his little horn. - - - 四季豆黨不單是Jared Rust (王傑瑞)撥 弄著吉他,Serena Engel(王海馬)彈奏著大提琴,兩人歌聲融洽的唱出 奇妙的弦律。他們的音樂不僅是民謠或藍草,爵士或藍調。 四季豆黨的音樂又像迎向太陽成長的樹苗萌芽,又像從冰凍 的湖面所漸漸裂逝的冬季,又像撫摸過一杯茶的臉龐的暖風 。我們將在無限的晚宴裡聆聽這種音樂,而且會讓你出乎意 料的愛上大家。 讓四季豆黨陪伴著你,雙腳打著節拍,雙手鼓掌,一同享受 這個夜晚吧! 還有,我們非常高興地邀請到小喇叭演奏手 Bernie 在這晚和我們一同演出! Here to kick off the night is long-time...