Ellery in Live, Album Fundraiser Show IV. March 14th

This Saturday 14th March, we have the luck of receive this great Songwriter , Ellery will bring the sun to our hearts and even to our weekend!!! see you all this at 20.30 in La Caja de Musica Stage! (English below) 我的名字叫Ellery, 我是一個歌手,我彈吉他唱歌,音樂風格是自彈自唱的流行 音樂,去年年底終於排除萬難錄製我的第一張個人專輯,現 在已經錄了一半,預計今年6月初發片。 門票250元,含一杯酒或飲料,也包含免費下載我第二首 單曲「Don’t Say」 此演出跟之前的一樣,票收的錢全用在錄音上 有你們的支持,我會非常感動,在這想先對你們說謝謝 表演結束後可以認識新朋友、聊天,也可以在樂盒子吃晚餐 ,沒吃過西班牙菜的朋友可以試試看! 可以在我的臉書的粉絲專頁上看到表演訊息: https://www.facebook.com/ 3llery Download the first two singles off the album: "Don't Say" and "Mr. Vulnerable" 歡迎下載我的音樂: https:// elleryprescott.bandcamp.com /releases SoundCloud stream: https://soundcloud.com/ ellery-prescott 如果喜歡我的音樂的話,歡迎你在fb上po文分享 If you like my music, please feel free to share the links on social media. Last year I started recording my debut album. I first started playing guitar and writing songs around the age of 12. Now, finally, I am recording an album that I...