
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2014

Mr. DC Rapier , songs from XX century , November 1st Sat

In the last concert at our stage the voice of this gentleman transport us to another times, sometimes we said the old times was better, and in this case is true, wonderfull songs from a bit long past that we can listen in a short future,  next Saturday we will have a wonderfull performance of Mr. DC Rapier, make a mark in your schedule. bring your love or friend.... and got a inolvidable night .  DC Rapier has been performing for more than 45 years, singing and playing guitar, flute, sax and harmonica - but not all at the same time. DC’s engaging solo repertoire ranges from Tin Pan Alley to Broadway; from Beale Street to Basin Street and beyond. DC gives a personal Bluesy reading of the classic songs from the Great American songwriters; Gershwin, Kahn, Mercer, Arlen, Leiber, Ellington, Allison, Loesser, Duke and Jordan as well as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Van Morrison. The concert will start at 20.30  , ticket fee 250 with beer or soda included.

La Caja de Musica presents Taiwan New Talents Night!!

Dear all we want to start our own Taiwan New Talents showcase in  our stage this Saturday October 25th. We will bring you a little boy, he came to our restaurant for dinner and we start to talk  then he ask me about the guitars on the wall  and we finish jamming in our stage from rock to Lady Gaga it was a fantastic night and we decided to invite him to make a little performance he was very happy about the idea this guy is Joseph !! Hello I'm Joseph 來自台灣 高中開始彈吉他 在彈吉他的三年間也不斷的創作 喜歡寫關於生活的任何事情 在剛學吉他的時候也創立的 N.P.P 樂團 和樂團走過大大小小的表演 沒事喜歡拿著吉他 戴著耳 機 遠離塵囂 沉醉在自己的音樂世界 音樂對我來說 是最溫柔的藥物 他可以治療所有的事 Joseph 來說 沒有音樂 等於沒有生活 讓我們一起在 10/25 號的晚上 喝著飲料 讓   Joseph 的歌聲帶你 離開一周下來的疲勞吧. https://www.facebook.com/torahiko.osima Listen to Joseph with his band  click the link below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4-OMawGkL I Concert open doors at 20.30 , ticket fee 250 nt with beer or soda included, join the event here !

La Caja de Musica gives you a big surprise!

 獻給今天生日的壽星 --- 四人同行,一人免費! 想要用西班牙歡樂無比、熱情滿溢的方式慶祝生日嗎?生日當天到樂盒子用餐,只要四人以上同行,我們會免費招待壽星用餐! 趕快來電預約吧! ● 別忘了要出示身分證件喔 ● 活動限於週二~週四 預約專線 : 0920 885 996 / 0975 330 741 E-mail : taipei.cjm@gmail.com Eat Free On Your Birthday !!   Want to eat free on your birthday? Look no further. Free food always tastes better on your birthday! The only condition is that you must be at least 4 people for dinner, and the person who celebrates the birthday is for free!! (Please don't forget your ID) This offer is available from Tuesday to Thursday. Tel for reservation : 0920 885 996 / 0975 330 741 E-mail : taipei.cjm@gmail.com