B.R.I.J. Balkan Rogue International Jam, Saturday 14th

This Saturday 14th we have a energetic band in our stage, Balkan music will make you jump during the whole concert!. Here a brief intro: B.R.I.J. Balkan Rogue International Jam A group, a circle, a unique composition of various performers that play music whether it originated from, or was inspired by, the Balkan region. A unique blend of styles and beats incorporated into one big melting pot of pure musical energy! 這是個團體、也是個圈子,由數個音樂家的獨特創作, 呈現來自巴爾幹半島的獨特風情音樂。 混合了不同種類的音樂類型與節拍混搭交織而成一場獨特的音樂響宴 。 Concert start at 20.30 , ticket 250nt with beer or soda included!