Acidy Peeping Tom, Saturday 22th@La Caja de Musica

二個男生一個女生的怪異生物 住在森林深處的我們 被猛力的鼓與吉他音牆團團包圍住 隨著瘋狂少女聲線與俏皮的貝斯一起跳舞 偶爾出現亮晶晶的合成器穿梭在空氣之間 每天用盡全力地唱著心中的遐想!幻想!妄想! 偶爾面對一下下不得不面對的真實人生 Join the event here!!!!! Acidy Peeping Tom is a trio indie band from Taipei since Aug. 2011 and consists of Jacky Zhong(bass, vocal), Meg Chao(drum, vocal) and Neo Ni(guitar, synth). The band began in once rehearsal, singing some disco type songs they wrote and playing at Taipei's live house after founded three month later. 2nd EP “A EP" was released in the end of December 2013. Please attend our gigs, you can find something fun. The concert start at 20:30 , ticket fee 250 with a beer or soda included.