YingDa MinYen Quartet presents"Just Friends Project"

Hello everybody next Saturday January 18th we have a new Jazz Band in our stage, YingDa MinYen Quartet and they call themselves for this occasion JUST FRIENDS PROJECT but they are not only friends also they are very good musicians issues from different bands and with a long experience playing around Taiwan and many other countries. The ticket fee is 250NT with a Beer or Soda included starting around 20H30.If you want confirm your assistance please click here. 在過去幾個月中,身邊許多朋友不約而同地失戀了,這難道就是所謂分手的季節 !? 其中他們有人試圖藉著酒精與睡眠渡過令人沮喪的冬天,也有人全心投入工作或是創作中忘卻痛苦;而演奏為生的我們則將負起以音樂撫慰人心的責任, YMQ(YingDa MinYen Quartet) 這次安排了好聽的經典爵士曲目、以及高人氣的原創音樂精選,想邀請農曆年前感情生活不得志的朋友們來感受現場音樂的溫暖,也歡迎感情順利的人和不在乎感情的人一邊聽著音樂一邊來場虛擬失戀治療。 Guitar 陳穎達 ( Ying-Da Chen) 2012 年於阿姆斯特丹音樂學院畢業,主修爵士吉他,為第一位畢業於該校爵士部門的台灣音樂家。在校期間跟隨荷蘭吉他演奏家 Maartern van der Grinter 、 Martijn van Iterson 、 Jesse van Ruller 與 Henk Sprenger 學習,也獲得接受知名薩克斯風演奏家 Jasper Blom ...