In August arrives.... our Crazy Happy Hour's!!

Dear all: La Caja de Musica found a radical solution to combat this hot summer in Taipei! In this August maybe most of your friends have already go out of Taiwan for holidays and you still here, working , with no plans after a hard day? and suffering this hot weather, isnt' it? Don't worry and come to take a refreshing break All you can drink!!!!! Crazy Happy Hour's!!!. 親愛的朋友們: 樂盒子發現了對抗晴朗炎熱的台北高溫完美解決方案! 有發現今年夏天特別熱嗎?光是在太陽下走動就快要融化, 而你....在這艷陽高照的天氣辛苦工作了一整天還沒有計劃嗎? 別擔心,來樂盒子喘口氣,清涼又消暑讓您無限暢飲(all you can drink),趕快加入我們的夏日快樂時光吧! Welcome to La Caja de Musica fromTuesday to Thursday 20:00 to 22:00 . How much it cost? just 500NT and you could drink many fresh cocktails; Cubalibre, Gin Tonic, Whisky Coke, Sangria...or if u are more of beer.... all you can drink draft beer!!!!. Say good bye to the hot and really enjoy the summer!. Today we will start, so don't need to wait more!!! we have all prepared for you, and now you can escape from the routine!. Even can make rese...