
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2013

David Chen Machine,they play the Blues for you !

Hi Friends! This week we will have a weekend busy in La Caja de Musica, we prepare 2 events pretty diferent but both full of roots and soul, Friday will be stomping the stage the David Chen Machine , amazing blues band and the next day La Gitanita and their flamenco performance will cut your breath!, so without more introductions, We start Friday 29th at 20.30 with David Chen Machine! David Chen's got a machine, and it's a cracking electric band composed of Dafu (drums), Kazu (bass) and Guras (organ). We'll be playing old-school blues, swing and anything else to make you move! The concert will be Friday 29th ,Start at 20.30 , Ticket fee is 250 Ntd with a beer or soda included.

La Gitanita, Flamenco Saturday Night 30th at La Caja de Musica

--> La Gitanita’s first concert at La Caja de Musica this year! La Gitanita is finally back to the stage of La Caja de Musica, bringing more flamenco music, dance, and artists this time. Founded in 2011, La Gitanita is a group of young musicians and dancers who are in love of flamenco. In the past 2 years, they have been performing in a wide range of venues and been working with many other artists. Their goal is to provide the audience the authentic flamenco arts with their interpretation and from their point of view. La Gitanita just finished a year-long prepared theater production and tour, and it’s time for a new start. This time more dancers will perform and new faces will be seen. Loli Lee, an experienced flamenco teacher and dancer of Semilla Flamenco Company and School , will be performing after her maternity and parental leave for her beautiful baby girl. Agustin Chu, one of the very few male flamenco dancers in Taipei, is going to add some dynamics ...

Acid Jazz, Groove this Saturday 23th with "Electric Mess Age"

 Dear Friends , this coming Saturday 23th we are lucky to have a cool night full of Acid Jazz , personally i love their style , and i strongly recomend dont miss it!!!. The concert will start at 20:30 , Ticket fee 250 NT with a beer or soda included. 音樂風格 在這個隨處充斥著電子訊號的城市裡,資訊爆炸帶來的煩惱早已超越人類小小的腦袋瓜子所能負荷。 何不隨著 E.M.A.擺動你的身軀,在這混亂的世代中,以單純的音符和舞步,製造屬於自己的無比快樂! 來體驗與眾不同的 Disco Funk / Acid Jazz 吧,在這瘋狂的世界裡,舞動不息!Keep on groovin’ in the free world! 創團過程 & 團員簡介 團長兼電貝斯手小伯,冷靜帥氣的臉龐與腼腆害羞的笑容底下,潛藏著一個熱情躍動的靈魂,一顆單單為了音樂律動而瘋狂的心。對他來說,Grooving 就是 Everything! 鍵盤手喇叭,擁有一雙對於音色與聲頻極其敏銳的耳朵,隨口胡謅即能生出通篇似是而非大道理是他的專長,是位書卷氣十足又給人些許自閉感的憤怒文藝知識青年。 2004 年,16 歲的二人相識於建中熱音社。經過高中三年各樣音樂的浸潤洗禮後,發現唯有充滿律動感、諸如 Jamiroqai 與 Incognito 等英國 Acid Jazz 樂團的音樂,才 是自己真正的最愛。因此,二人決定在上大學之後,定要組成一個使台下群眾一起隨著音樂自然地搖擺舞動的 Acid Jazz 樂團。 2008 年,在因緣際會之下,二位要角的陸續加入,使 EMA 的組成更趨完整: 主唱 Christina,不只是愛唱歌,也只是愛唱歌!從小到大獨鍾情於 R&B/Soul 音樂,同時擁有厚實聲線及清亮嗓音,不僅毫無違和感反而獨具個人風格與魅力。過人的 天賦和成熟的歌唱技巧,但卻不刻意賣弄,總是能以簡御繁、化龍點睛,傳達最暢快的律動與最真摯的情感。 鼓手阿明,音樂之於他,正猶...

Saturday 16th Jazz night with "Majam Jazz".

Dear all: This Saturdat 16th Night at La Caja de Musica we have Jazz music with a Taiwanese band called " MajaM"  the guitar player of this band Liu Yun Ping  is  well known in our stage he also use to play with our dear Flamenco band La Gitanita! But in this occasion he wants to show us his Jazz side and bring his friends with him.... This quartet  formed with Yun Ping playing guitar, Alex Yang on bass also have keyboard  with I-Wen Chou and Ming Tseng on drums. They play classic Jazz standards but also plays Fusion, Funk and Blues, MajaM mixes different music to create a unique groove. Please  come and enjoy the rhythm & melody! Waiting for Friday Night take a look in their blog they have many videos!! MajaM Jazz Quartet  blog. 2008年成軍,由吉他手雲平、貝斯手小暉、鼓手阿明及鍵盤手阿饅組成的爵士樂團,從jam出發,嘗試橫跨Jazz、Fusion、Funk、Blues等不同曲風。 對他們來說,每次演奏都像打麻將一樣,不是運氣好自摸到絕佳的SOLO,要不就背到小相公掉form,不過這都不影響他們對音樂的熱愛。每次演奏,各個手氣就好到不行,彼此絕佳的默契與不按牌理出牌的創意,總讓表演多些新鮮的花...

Saturday 9th Conor Prunty, David Chen and Chung Yufeng

David Chen and Conor Prunty Singer/Guitarist David Chen and harmonica player Conor Prunty, best known as members of Taiwan's favorite jug band band, the Muddy Basin Ramblers, play blues and roots music in the spirit of their musical heroes, which include late greats such as Robert Johnson, Bo Carter, Leadbelly, Sonny Terry, and Mississipi Fred McDowell. Expect to hear -- and do -- a lot of whooping and foot-stomping! Chung Yufeng (鍾玉鳳) Dave and Conor are honored to be joined by their good friend Chung Yufeng, a Chinese classical musician and multi-instrumentalist whose performances on the sanhsin (three-stringed snakeskin banjo), yueqin (moon-shaped lute), and the pipa (four-string Chinese lute), have garnered acclaim from audiences in Taiwan and abroad. A former lecturer in music at Fo Guang University, Chung now focuses on composing for the pipa, both for solo and collaborative performances. She has performed on numerous tours of Europe and lived in Cairo...