November 23th Friday Night welcome to MajaM Jazz Quartet .
Dear all: This Friday Night at La Caja de Musica we have Jazz music with a Taiwanese band called " MajaM" the guitar player of this band Liu Yun Ping is well known in our stage he also use to play with our dear Flamenco band La Gitanita! But in this occasion he wants to show us his Jazz side and bring his friends with him.... This quartet formed with Yun Ping playing guitar, Alex Yang on bass also have keyboard with I-Wen Chou and Ming Tseng on drums. They play classic Jazz standards but also plays Fusion, Funk and Blues, MajaM mixes different music to create a unique groove. Please come and enjoy the rhythm & melody! Waiting for Friday Night take a look in their blog they have many videos!! MajaM Jazz Quartet blog. 2008年成軍,由吉他手雲平、貝斯手小暉、鼓手阿明及鍵盤手阿饅組成的爵士樂團,從jam出發,嘗試橫跨Jazz、Fusion、Funk、Blues等不同曲風。 對他們來說,每次演奏都像打麻將一樣,不是運氣好自摸到絕佳的SOLO,要不就背到小相公掉form,不過這都不影響他們對音樂的熱愛。每次演奏,各個手氣就好到不行,彼此絕佳的默契與不按牌理出牌的創意,總讓表演多些新鮮的花招! 麻將爵士樂團未來最...