Saturday 21th Blues Nigth with The Blurrs Bros

We got the Blues for you! For second time in our stage we have the pleasure to introduce you The Blurrs Bros . Aki ‘the Flame’ Ikeda on guitar and DC Rapier on guitar and vocals created this band because they feel the necessity and a burning desire to lay down some laid-back Blues way back when in a run-down, one-room shot-gun shack in the shadows of the hills of Bluesville. The Blurrs Bros play soulful, passionate music that's a blend of Blues, Old-school R&B and heart broke ballads. These guys live the life they love and love the life the live. All their music is 100% original except where noted. This Saturday 21 th night around 20:30 if you are in the mood then please don’t miss it but if you got the Blues you must come!! For this concert 250NT ticket fee with a beer or soda included