樂盒子Daily Special offers!!!

樂盒子新推出每日特別優惠 星期二歡迎來樂盒子享受西班牙微醺的味道,只要點酒類飲料 ( 生力啤酒、檸檬啤酒、西班牙水果酒、紅白酒 ) ,就送西班牙人國民必點 Tapas. On Tuesday for every glass of wine, beer, Sangria you buy get the Tapa of the day for free! 星期三當然是 Ladies night ,可是樂盒子也同時歡迎男生,找三五好友到我們店裡小酌一番,酒類飲料買一送一! Wednesday of course is Ladies night, mans welcome too. Every glass of wine, beer, Sangria, you buy get one free! For the bottles or 1 liter pot the second one is half price! 星期四品嘗西班牙美食的好機會,我們推出周四海鮮飯日,原價四人份 1000 元、特價 850 元! On Thursday unbelievable offer the best Spanish Seafood rice in Taiwan only 850NT ( for 4people). 星期五樂盒子的音樂舞台是屬於大家的 ~~ 歡迎各位愛音樂的朋友們來這裡和我們暢快玩音樂、聽音樂,如果你愛跳舞也歡迎來這裡和我們同樂, 20h30- 午夜,啤酒只要 100 元 Fridays, Fridays, Fridays we have Live music and you have the beers 100NT Come on!! 星期六到樂盒子聚餐 4 人以上同時消費套餐,就送一壺超好喝的西班牙水果酒 On Saturday call your friends and come to diner, groups of 4 or more people who order our menu you will have a 1 liter pot of Sangria(red wine and fruits) FREE!! 星期日我們 ...