Paella and Tortilla!!

Dear friends: September is here and we still cooking delicious dishes for you, making music, and organizing some concerts!! La Caja de Musica wants to introduce two very very typical Spanish dishes both are round and yellow, but so different.... La Paella (Spanish Seafood rice) This is the most international well known Spanish dish but in Spain it remains more typical of the Mediterranean Coast area, Valencia, Alicante. Few things you should know is that "Paella" is the name of the pan where the rice and the other ingredients are cooked and the Seafood rice is only one of the different recipes of this kind of rices. One of the best is the rice with rabbit or chicken instead the seafood. Why is yellow? Is because we use saffron to cook the rice and gives this beautiful color and delicious taste. Like the tortilla everybody have his own way to prepare La Paella so never get the same taste. 西班牙海鮮飯和西班牙蛋餅!! 親愛的...