
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2011

Dear friends , this friday we will performance with our band Alma Itana...

We will performance with our band in another place, so we will not have performance in our place this friday, Sorry for that, but we invite you to join us in Revolver , at 9.30  PM. saturday we will reward you!!! Anyway the restaurant will be open till that hour, dont worry your food will be ready like allways ;) See you soon friends!!

Waka "Tabla" & Yo"Sitar" India Music Night!!

India music lover's you are so lucky!! this Friday June 24th La Caja de Musica presents one special concert,  Waka and Yo they are the reference of India music in Taiwan, they have developed a big career here making a lot  of performances around the island. Waka Yo 印度音樂聯盟 "一起練習吧!"當電話那頭的Waka,隔著聽筒,對著根本沒見過面的Yo說,就這樣,Waka和Yo以及他們的樂器-Tabla和Sitar相遇了......。在數百個一起玩音樂的日子裡,他們從印度來到台灣,期待繼續以樂會友,和大家一起同樂。 TablaWAKA (若池敏弘)迄今演奏印度 Tabla鼓已有二十年經驗。自1987年開始學習塔布拉鼓 -- 演出經驗豐富--曾參與多位活躍於歐美的音樂創作者之跨界作品演出。於印度及日本舉辦過無數的個人演奏會--受邀於印度、孟加拉、日本、台灣、泰国、韓 國、加拿大等國際音樂藝術節演出。近年受邀來台演奏--活躍於國內樂壇--並擔任國立台南藝術大學印度音樂工作坊導師及台湾塔布拉鼓愛好會會長。 SitarYO (金光亮平) 日籍樂手,2004年進入印度加爾各答Visva-Bharati大學音樂系,主修北印度古典西塔琴演奏。自2005 年起,開始在印度各地演奏,廣受好評。 2006年受邀來台演奏,於台灣大學、交通大學、台北教育大學講習印度音樂,並巡迴於印度、泰國、孟加拉、日本、韓國...等亜州全土演出。 全台湾最専業的西塔琴演奏家。 一起分享美麗的西塔琴音色! This Friday around 20:00 come here to enjoy the music and have one spiritual and harmonious night with the magic sound of the Sitar and the rhythms of Tabla..... Ticket fee 200NT included beer or s...

"Picturing" in Taipei, Nae Takarada photo exhibition

This week we have the pleasure and the honor to receive from Japan this great artist in our place. Nae Takarada , the  photographer, show us the world we live in, reflexed in paper and developed in traditional way by herself making the complete process to dont loose in the process any detail of the esence of this old art . She is the eyes of the hope in this uncertain days. "These photos were taking in my life which is still continuing this moment. it's my life in japan, the disaster areas and taiwan."  Nae Takarada. The exposition runing from the day 21th  to 24 th of June. Dont let another people tell you , see it by yourself!. Nae Takarada Born in 1981 in Tokyo. During of the time in the university, started to travel around the world alone. Majored in the history of art. After graduation, once worked at the biggest Japanese travel agency. But quitting the stable job and went to photography art school to search for the expresstion of “the life”. from 20...

Spanish artist Balu in Concert!!

Dear friend!! This Friday 10th we have a very special guest in our stage,  Spanish singer Balu,  he has been in so many countries all over the World, Brazil, England, Cuba, Mongolia, China and know he is living in one of the most beautiful places in Taiwan, somewhere in the coast of Taitung. He is passionate for  the Flamenco, when he sings he transforms himself in a gipsy soul,  it is a very special moment, you can feel he has so many stories to tell about his experiences. Balu recently goes to Beijing to record a CD of Flamenco with a famous guitar player. see and listen here  Friday night around 20:30 he will be at La Caja de Musica, so welcome everybody to have fun one more time and spend the night until midnight in our Bar. The people make a reservation for dinner no need pay ticket fee. 250NT for this concert with a beer or soft drink included. 親愛的朋友們 ! 這個禮拜五2 月 10 日,我們將有一位非常特別的來賓─西班牙歌手 Balu 。他曾遊歷各國演唱:巴西、英國、古巴、蒙古以及中國, 現在居住在台灣最美麗的一處─台東海岸。 他著迷於...

放客兄弟 Funky Brothers and Dj Zulu !!! This Friday 10th!!

Dear friends! This Friday night around 20:30 we want to invite you all to a crazy, funky party night in our place, we have a real amazing band and awesome Dj !! They introduce themselves like: Funky Brothers!!You could control your body but you can't control your mind. A band who not only makes you keep grooving but touch your  heart deep inside. Funky Brothers(放客兄弟)-你可以控制住你的身體,但控制不住你的心!一個不只給你無法自主的律動,還要給你無法忘記感動的樂團. 成軍兩年,將 70~80年代具有FUNKY精神的各種音樂類型融入其創作風格當中,從Funk/Disco/Blues到Nu-Jazz/Acid-jazz/R&B/Reggae/Swing…放客兄弟的音樂創作永遠充滿groove(律動) 從感性到激昂.Funky Brothers用熱情令人想舞動的音符和節奏,表達對人群,對世界,對自我對情感,對你對我的思維. 放客兄弟的音樂有一種魔力,總讓人覺得走進了毫無拘束的叢林,我們不在乎世俗的眼光,不在乎社會的繫絆,也試圖用音樂爲聆聽者卸下心中的柵欄,解放每個人都有的如野獸般的狂野自在.我們不只帶著充滿搖擺氣息的音符,在旋律線的背後,我們更堅持音樂帶給人們的感動,歌詞影響人們的力量.「你可以控制住你的身體,但控制不住你的心!」跟著放客兄弟解放你的身心,跟著節奏一起擺動身軀. Started in 2008, mixed the elements of 70s~80s music into their music. Including Funk, Disco, Blues, Acid-jazz, R&B, Reggae, Swing…Funky Brothers always surprised people.when you see them play,you ca...

This saturday Ramses and Luis have a concert out of Taipei.....

Dear Friends , tomorrow saturday 4 th of June we will be close , we have a concert out of Taipei , but we will open in Sunday! sorry for the inconvenience. Anyway our telephones will be available to attend your dinner reservations for next days . Our phones :   0920 885 996    and  975 330 741  Thanks dear friends for your patience!

June 2011Taipei Food台北國際食品展!

賀!! 樂盒子受邀參加 Taipei Food 台北國際食品展 《西班牙國家館》 Luis 和 Ramses 很開心和大家分享一個好消息:我們將受邀參加 Food Taipei 台 北 國際食品展 《西班牙國家館》 , 歡迎大家屆時親身來體驗西班牙的各種傳統美食風味! 時間: 2011 年 6 月 22 - 25 日   12:00 - 14:00 地點: 世貿南港館四樓,攤位號碼 N1013 西班牙商務辦事處 (CCE) 及西班牙拉曼恰大區對外貿易協會 (IPEX) 主辦的西班牙國家館將於 2011 年 6 月 22 日至 6 月 25 日在 世貿南港館 舉辦的 台北國際食品展 當中呈現 。 西班牙國家館佔地 126 平方公尺,「西班牙美食美酒」 ( 由西班牙對外貿易發展局所創,用於推廣西班牙葡萄酒及食品活動 ) 準備了豐富且鮮美的西班牙美食,將在西班牙國家館展出,除了橄欖、乳酪、罐裝蔬果、罐裝魚類、香草、甜點、巧克力之外,還有廣為人知的橄欖油及葡萄酒。 為了將西班牙的優質產品介紹給台灣民眾,西班牙國家館將邀請 樂盒子 主廚現場示範道地開胃菜 (tapas) 。廚藝表演僅在 6 月 22 日及 25 日的 12:00 至 14:00 舉行,歡迎有興趣的各界人士前來西班牙國家館,親身體驗西班牙的美食風味。