
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2011

Friday Night come to the Jam Session!!

Dear friends! This Friday May 27th starting at 20:30 we would like to invite everybody to Jam in our stage. Luis and Ramses will open the Jam with some Spanish songs and then the stage is all yours!! So don't be lazy pick up your guitar, bass, percussion, your voice and come over here to play and have a good time. All kind of musics are welcome, blues, rock, jazz, funk, folk, everybody is invited to participate. La Caja de Musica have HAPPY HOUR on Fridays night 21:00 to 23:00 BEERS 2x1!!

Let's talk about TAPAS! 什麼是Tapas?

In these days  when we talk about Spanish food we always hear the word Tapas. But a lot of people don't know what's  Tapas means or the origin of this word!! Here you can read translated in mandarin one story about the creation of the first Tapa in Spain!! 什麼是 Tapas? Tapas 有人把它翻譯成西班牙小菜,也有人說它是西班牙的 Fingerfood ,但是西班牙人會告訴你〝 Tapas 就是 Tapas 〞 !   西班牙文 Tapas 的原意是 ” 小蓋子 ” 的意思,傳說西班牙國王 Alfonso 十三世到南部風城 Cadiz 巡視時,來到一間 Tapas Bar ,點了一杯酒,酒送達時杯口上蓋了一片燻火腿,國王很好奇問為什麼,老闆說因為這裡風大怕砂子掉進杯中,國王 Alfonso 十三世非常喜歡這個吃法,便說:請再給我一杯有蓋子的酒 ! 後來 Tapas 就 慢慢演變成現在各式各樣的吃法了。 如果你今天是心血來潮突然想嘗試西班牙菜,或是想和朋友聚會小酌需要配些下酒好菜,那麼就請試試我們的 Tapas 吧 !  Ready to drink your wine, Sangria or beer? But remember always with Tapas is better!! Even the king knows it!

巴西瓦里 Passiwali in Concert!!!

Hello friends!! After the success of our last guest Alma Itana this Friday 20th we want to invite another fantastic Taiwanese band Chalaw&Passiwali. They mix Latin music and Aboriginal Taiwan songs with mandarin Pop style. Their members come from different cultures and countries. If you never listen to this band before you are missing something!! This Friday 20th at 20h00 ticket fee 200NT (The people who  reserve for diner no need pay ticket fee)  Ramses, one of the owners of La Caja de Musica is Passiwali's guitar player from his first steps in Taiwan when he met Chalaw, the leader of the band, in one show three years ago. Since that day too much concerts and good things had happened, play on Spring Scream, Ho Hai Yan Festival even they get  Golden Melody Awards(金曲獎) last year with their last album Old old Car!! More information about Passiwali: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0iuP2-Yddc http://www.tcmusic.com.tw/cd/042/Default.htm http://chalaw....


Contact 連絡我們.   樂盒子   地址: 長安西路 138 巷 3 弄 18 號 Email: taipei.cjm@gmail.com 電話 : 0920885996 / 0975330741 營業時間  16:00至22:30  禮拜五和禮拜六到晚間12點  禮拜一公休. La Caja de Musica Chang An west Rd. 138 Lane, 3 Alley, N18 Tel. 0920885996 / 0975330741 Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday16h00 to 22h30 Some weekends until midnight. We close on Sundays and  Mondays. 樂盒子的朋友們大家好!! 因為經常接到大家的來電 詢問怎麼到樂盒子以及確切的地址   所以我決定為大家寫一篇詳細的介紹   有關怎麼到我們的餐廳以及訂位. 地址以及如何到達 地址在長安西路 138 巷 3 弄 18 號 我們介於長安西路以及華陰街的中間 在這兩條路上各有一個較大的地標即位在長安西路上的台北當代美術館以及華陰街上的京站廣場. 請看以下的地圖你會看到在餐廳正確的位置上標記了樂盒子的 LOGO !! 很抱歉車子進不了餐廳所在的小巷子裡喔 !! 所以如果您是開車過來或者是騎摩托車,您可以選擇將車子停在當代藝術館或者京站廣場附設的停車場。 如果您是搭乘捷運請在中山站或台北車站下車,請轉步行至台北捷運地下街,只要出了 R2 出口您就會發現自己離樂盒子很近啦 !! 預約用餐 您可以利用以下兩種方式訂位或者連絡我們 寄電子郵件到 taipei.cjm@gmail.com 在信件中請註明: 您欲用餐的日期 您的大名 ( 中英文皆可 ) 連絡電話 用餐人數 希望以上的資訊幫助大家順利找到我們的餐廳並能夠在這裡盡情享用美食以及美酒 、 歡度美麗的夜晚 !! Hello everybody!! I decided write this...

Summer Set Menu !!

Dear friends! This month we want to introduce our Summer Set Menu, more light, more fresh and more CHEAP!!  TAPA OF THE DAY  SEPIA WITH ALI OLI  GAZPACHO OR SALAD  PAELLA   DESSERT   SOFT DRINK This menu is only available from Tuesday to Thursday the price is 600NT by person, minimum order for 2 people. Remember our service is on evening time, we open at 18h30!! 親愛的朋友們 樂盒子將在本月份向大家推出新的夏季菜單 , 口感較為清爽無負擔 , 同時價位也較低喔 !! 今日 TAPA( 西班牙小菜 ) 香煎花枝 西班牙凍湯或新鮮沙拉 西班牙海鮮飯 今日甜點 供應時間自星期二至星期四 , 套餐每人 600 元 , 但需二人以上才接受套餐預約 . 請記得樂盒子只供晚餐 在晚上 18:30 以後為大家服務 !!

Friday 13th!!!! Alma Itana in concert at La Caja de Musica

It's an honor and pleasure receive in our place this tremendous band!!! Musicians from Taiwan,Spain,Guatemala,Canada,Costa Rica and El Salvador configure this multicultural group. They are trained in many styles, great musicians who have one common point, The Flamenco Latin music, full of "Sabor" and happiness that gonna make you can't stop to dance and enjoy this night. The concert on Friday 13th starts at 20:30.  The ticket fee to enter is 250 NTD, one beer or soft drink is included. The people who have reservation for dinner have free enter to the concert. More information in the band's Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Alma-Itana-Modern-Flamenco/250206837471

First Concert in May!!

 Dear all, thank you for your presence in the last month events and we are happy to see  more and more people discover our place and visit this blog. We continue our program of concerts in this month, this Friday 6 at 20h00 we are glad to present another charming Taiwanese girl, Koumis. Koumis,一個喜歡彈吉他唱歌的女生 她有清澈溫暖的嗓音 她的創作簡單而動人 星期五的晚上 不管好天氣 or 壞天氣 讓我們聚在一起 聽koumis唱歌 就能有舒服又輕鬆的好心情. After this introduction you are ready for one of her music videos... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEQIJlWdcJM This show no have ticket fee don't lose this chance to have a special Friday night!! If you want know more visit her original blog. http://www.koumis.cc